#tagging it



God Of Storms AU- New Gods

New Gods (Turned from Mortal to God)


God of Death (Lost in Battle). Patron of Warriors.

Animal Companion: Crows (gifted to him by Shisui), and Black Cats

Symbol: a broken soldiers helmet with a sword pierced through it.

Birth: during his mortal life, Itachi was a soldier sent out into battle. One day, during a fight, he was struck down by the enemy while protecting his friend who had been injured. Seeing this, Obito decided to elivate Itachi up to God status (with approval from the others) and gave him the position of guardian of fallen warriors.

Lore: there are stories that speak about the God of Death being a kind soul. Someone who will explore the battlefields alongside Shisui, and who considers animals lost in battle the same as humans. Any human who views this as an insult is not welcomed into Itachi’s domains, and is instead thrown into the pit of forgotten souls deep below the world.

When he was Mortal, Itachi had a little brother that he loved dearly, and before going into that faithful last battle he promised his little brother than no matter what they would always be together. He never realized just how truthful his words to his younger brother were, and when he met him as an immortal god he was both sad and happy. Sad because his brothers life was cut so short, but happy because now he could keep his promise.

Itachi has a fondness for gardens, and loves to spend time in Ino’s favorite garden with her taking care of the flowers and the animals the reside in the garden. At the same time, he adores being with Hana and helping her care for the animals that come through her doors.

Love: Ino and Hana


God of Death (Cruel deaths often by the hand of trusted/loved ones). Patron of the wounded and abuses

Animal Companion:Eagles and Cats

Symbol: A shield with hands splayed out in a protective gesture on it, and his brothers symbol in the bottom.

Birth: When Itachi went off to war, Sasuke was left behind at their home with their caregiver (their parents having died long ago). The caregiver had never been kind to them, but when they were informed of Itachi’s fate they turned to Sasuke and told him he would have to find work to support the family now. When Sasuke spoke out that he was only 12 and unable to work, his caregiver began to hurt him, not stopping even when Sasuke pleaded.

The caregiver didn’t kill Sasuke, but int he middle of the abuse a crack of lightning broke through the house and forced them back away from the child.

When he opened his eyes again, Sasuke found himself looking up at the kid eyes of the storm god Kakashi, and listening to the only words he wanted to hear at that point.

‘would you like to see your brother?’

When he nodded his head, the storm god gathered him into his arms and took him to the realm of god’s where he was elevated to a god and brought to Itachi immidiatly after being given the position of guardian of the dead who had been taken from the mortal world by the hands of those who were meant to protect them.

Lore: because he was made a god at such a young mortal age, Sasuke often appears as a 12 year old. The gods do allow him to grow up of course, but when he appears to the souls he is meant to guard, he always does so as a 12 year old. Because so many of them were hurt by adults, Sasuke finds it easier to gain their trust and lead them into his domain when he appears to them as a child.

Sasuke never becomes interested in romantic or sexual affections, even as he grows up in the realm of the gods. His duty is the most.important to him, and while he does have friends he never finds himself falling in love. Even Ino, The goddess of love, is unable to make him fall in love.

Love: none


Goddess of Animals. Patron of Animal healers.

Animal Companion: the The Haimaru brothers (Dogs)

Symbol: often depicted with animals around her

Birth: found in the wild with her mortal brother, Hana was brought by the forest spirits to Tsume, who upon realizing that the pair had been abandoned by their parents decided to adopt them as her own. Making them into god’s, she gave Hana the task of watching over the animals of the world and ensuring that they were taken care of. Healed when they needed to be.

Hana received the Haimaru Brother when Itachi came to her door one day with three cubs tucked away in his arms.

Lore: Hana is known to mortals as the protector of Animals. A fierce god who will punish any who harm animals for cruel reasons, she is known to stay in her home in the woods tending to any injured animal that is brought to her. Sometimes she will join her brother and mother out on their hunts, though she often prefers to watch rather than actually hunt with them. It’s also a good way to get the Haimaru brothers out to play with Akamaru and other animals.

The Haimaru brothers were dogs brought to her by Itachi. Found in the battle field as pups after their mother was killed in the midst of a battle between humans, Itachi brought them to Hana hoping that she could save them because they were weak and dying. She managed to keep them alive, and chose to keep them as her companions after that, a constant reminder of her devotion to animals and her love for Itachi.

Love: Itachi


God of the hunt. Patron of the abandoned.

Animal Companion:Akamaru.

Symbol: often depicted as riding on a giant white dogs back (Akamaru), with long claws and

Birth: found in the wild with her mortal brother, Hana was brought by the forest spirits to Tsume, who upon realizing that the pair had been abandoned by their parents decided to adopt them as her own. Making them into god’s, she tasked Kiba with watching over those who were abandoned like his sister and him. She also takes him out on hunts with her, and gives him the mantal of ‘god of the hunt’.

Lore: Kiba is known for being a playful god. Someone who likes to spend all of his time outdoors in the wild with animals. He surrounds himself with spirits from the forest, and likes to spend his nights around a camp fire retelling old stories of the gods.

A lucky mortal could find themselves stumbling upon such a scenario, and Kiba would simply invite them to join for the night so long as they are friendly and kind.

Love: Shino


God of Destruction, Destructive fire and scorch. Patron of the destructive.

Animal Companion: Spiders and

Symbol: fire and explosions.

Birth: Wanting to prove his artistic ability better than even the gods, Diedra decided to test his limits and create a new form of explosive. In doing so, he blew up his home with himself inside of it. Seeing what had happened, Kakuzu decided to intervien and saved Diedra from a certain death, making him into a god without consulting the others.

Love: None


God of Madness. The lost god. Patron of the Chaotic.

Animal Companion: None

Symbol: A scyth with two blades, and a necklace with Kakazu’s golden coins on it.

Birth: A devout follow of Kakazu, Hidan made himself known the the god of greed through his constant prayers and displays of devotion. Unlike other gods, Kakazu wasn’t displeased by a follower who killed for him, and when Hidan found himself on the wrong end of a sword one day, Kakazu stole him from the earth and turned him into a god. There was no doubt in Kakazu’s mind what kind of God Hidan would be, and without constulting any of the others, he gave Hidan the job of being the God of Madness and Chaos.

Love: None


God of Justice and Punishment. Patron of Judges and the wrongfully condemned.

Animal Companion: Lion

Symbol: The Water Lily and the scars on his face.

Birth: The first mortal murdered unjustly, Ibiki was found by Tsunade after his murder and given life as a god because of her anger at his unjust death. Realizing that the mortal world was missing an important concept of fairness and justice, Tsunade and the other gods decided that Ibiki should take up the mantle of God of Justice and Punishment.

Lore: The scars he received from being burned alive stayed with him, and his skin constantly feels like it’s on fire because of the pain he was in when Tsunade made him into a god. The only thing he has found that alleviates the pain, is the rain that’s always falling over Kakashi’s head.

Ibiki is known as a firm God. Granting mortals the knowledge of right and wrong, and the ideas of justice, he becomes enraged when his gifts are misused or abused. Corrupt mortals have been said to meet their end at the end of Ibiki’s blade when they show their true colours, punishing those who have done no wrong or releasing criminals with no punishment.

In all of the stories of him, Ibiki is rarely ever spoken of having a lover. Though he likes to blame that on the fact that Kakashi is known even among mortals for being attached the the mortal that keeps dying on him.

Love: Kakashi

Konan and Yahiko

God and Goddess of the household and Families.

Animal Companion: Cranes

Symbol: Always depicted holding hands with paper cranes flying around them.

Birth: Their village was destroyed by one of Deidra’s ‘artistic examples’ and everyone killed. For weeks the two of them stayed together, just trying to survive and refusing to leave their destroyed village. They were found by Jiraiya one day, and feeling pity for them he decided to speak with the other gods and

Love: Each other.
