#tahmoh penikett




The news that Alex Kingston would be joining Arrow is pretty damn awesome - if for no other reason than we can maybe, just maybe, have our long denied team up of JackHarkness and River Song. Cause we want that. Pretty damn badly. 


And also that Kingston is a goddam badass. 


There’s been some grumblings about Arrow not being as compelling as it should be. Yes, it has growing pains but I’m rather enjoying the show so far - and not just for the Obligatory Sexy Workout Scenes, cause oh yes, I’m enjoying those alot (daaamn Amell). 


sexy1 sexy2

(*dirty fangirl fans self*)


But one thing the Powers That Be behind Arrow are doing right is locking in such wonderful nerdy guest stars that even the most crumudgenoy of fans simply have to keep watching. 


First there was The Barrowman (I call him that, cause lets face it he’s wonderful in every possible way) who is so delightfully evil on the show that we’re kind of rooting for him. And Susanna Thompson as Momma Queen is excellent - she played The Borg Queen to absolute perfection on Star Trek Voyager. So right there they’ve got me tuning in. 


And then Tahmoh Penikett joins up. 

…. then Kelly Hu

…. Ben Browder

…. Seth Gabel

…. Kyle Schmidt (if you’re a Canadian actor junkie like me, this is awesome)

…. James Callis

… and now Alex Kingston


So they really do know what they are doing, casting these nuggets of fandom, essentially making it impossible for us to *not* tune in


They need to get Claudia Black on there stat. And Chris Judge. 


* is anyone else hoping that Dinah + Malcom hook up just so we can pretend its River + Jack? Or maybe they hooked up in the past and then the boring-as-mud plotline of Laurel/Tommy will end cause they could be halfsiblings? No, just me?

