

This post has probably been a long time coming but it’s best that I just put it out there once and for all.

I think I’m done guys.

Now I could go into a huge post about plenty of things that led to this…but none of that matters.

Not to me, at this point.

No…no, what matters to me is that you all know why I kept going all these years. It was because of you. This started as a joke blog, became a fatherly advice blog and had a decent run as a RP blog..while never really dropping those first two.

I’m not gonna stretch this out with long winded so and so but-

You all helped me. You got me through the darkest period of my life by giving me a chance to make some of you smile or laugh or just to be someone to be here to listen.

I’ll never forget that.

I’m sorry I can’t give more…but thank you.

You all made me proud.


Salem’s expression at the mention of Summer yet again making me uncomfortable


Ruby: Dad why do you only wear cargo pants and shorts?



Salem: <Raises an army and attacks the Gods>

God of darkness:

Summer: How about we put on a bit of “mood music” during~

Taiyang: oh yeah~

Summer: *bites her lip while pressing play on her slipknot playlist*


Yang: “Where did my baby girl go?: A single fathers guide to connecting with your teenage daughters”..?

Taiyang: <snatches book away and tosses it out the window, then grabs yangs arm and fires a round at it>

Taiyang: OhNoYouveDestroyedTheBookYangIGuessYourGroundedUntilDinnerAndWeWillNeverKnowWhatThatBookWas…go to your room..

“I was under the assumption that the question was hypothetical…but then again..Cinder is a very …*alluring* young woman”

“Perhaps she just needs a point in the proper direction…”


Taiyang: Qrow and Raven huh? I guess you two are just..”birds of a feather?”

Qrow: How about you shut the flock up.


Qrow: I’m not a drunk, I’m an alcoholic.

Taiyang: It’s the same thing.

Qrow: No, drunks drink to have a good time. I drink because I want to be dead.


Psychic: *reads Ozpin’s mind*

Ozpin’s mind: *thousands of men screaming wordlessly*

Psychic: …what the hell…

Ozpin: You get used to it.


“Why is everyone so thirsty for Ozpin?”

“…maybe it’s his elegant class..or his soft understanding eyes..or his voice that’s like melted honey-“

“Come to think of it, why am I so thirsty for Ozpin?!

Raven: No one likes your jokes, Tai.

Qrow: I dunno I kinda like some of them.

Raven:Do not..agree with him in front of me..


Ruby: Whats your plan for defeating Salem?

