#takahashi minami

wen48:Takamina 755: When was the last time I wore a swimsuit in private? I think it’s when I’m a kwen48:Takamina 755: When was the last time I wore a swimsuit in private? I think it’s when I’m a k


Takamina 755:

When was the last time I wore a swimsuit in private? I think it’s when I’m a kid
Matching with Nyansan(・∀・)❤️ Different colors❤️
Thank God Thank Buddha for giving us the same rest days~~~~!!!!!
I’ve no regrets for my life anymore. 

Post link
48groupstelevision:高橋みなみ - 755 (2015/08/22) 48groupstelevision:高橋みなみ - 755 (2015/08/22)


高橋みなみ - 755 (2015/08/22)

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takahashi minami