#take care of yourself my dudes


The Bare Bones: My Typical Skincare Routine ‍♀️

Pictured:My three most-used skincare products. Notice how none of them are from Korean brands.

As a beauty blogger- if you could call me that and I prefer ‘skincare enthusiast’- I try my fair share of products. I usually test them for around a month, which is why I don’t post Product Reviews as often as lists of useful products or something like that. While I am trying out a new product, I don’t want to shake up my skincare routine too badly. 

I feel like my skin is less irritated by toners, oil cleansers, and sheet masks, so I can switch those out easily to make room for different brands. This is Korean skincare we’re talking about- there are always new things to check out. To reduce the problem of skin overreaction, I stick to the same brands for the following: cleanser, exfoliant, and moisturiser. (This is going to be a long post and I find when I try to use the ‘continue reading’ function it deletes the content so bear with me.)

Cleanser:La Roche-Posay Toleriane Purifying Foaming Cream 

Pictured:My nearly finished foam cleanser for sensitive skin.

I have tried a lot of cleansers in my day. Japanese ones. Korean ones. The one that I find the best is this one from La Roche-Posay, a French skincare brand. I have a smaller bottle because I haven’t the time to purchase the full version. This is so gentle and effective. It’s for oily or combination skin and doesn’t make my skin react badly. 

Exfoliant:Detclear Bright & Clear Fruits Peeling Jelly

Pictured:Front and back of the Detclear peeling jelly. I don’t read Japanese but just know that it removes sebum and other gunk.

Rarely do I review exfoliants because it has taken me so long to find one that works for my skin. I’m naturally sensitive to scrubs- something I finally decided to act on when my face flared up for the nth time using a facial scrub. 

This is a chemical exfoliant that comes in a jelly form, as well as a powder enzyme wash. I wasn’t sure what the latter was so I bought the one that came in a convenient pump. It smells like artificial fruit, but surprisingly the fragrance doesn’t make my face act up. 

It’s very satisfying to see the skin come up as the gel starts to dry on your skin. You have to rub it in and the dead skin cells just slough off in white clumps. In the end, you’re left with brighter skin. This product is gentle and I look forward to exfoliating every week. No wonder it’s a bestseller in Japan. 

Moisturizer:Physiogel Daily Moisture Therapy Cream

Pictured:The Physiogel “Miracle Cream”. You know that vine where they’re at the dollar store? Well, this is the good kush.

One day my mother bought me a few samples of a lotion that came with something she bought at the pharmacy. It was like a miracle product for me. I live in a city and in the summer it gets so hot and stuffy that my face just turns an unflattering shade of red. My main issue with city life is with the dust and smoke that enlarges your pores, but that’s a post for another day. 

Alright, so back to the miracle product. I have both the lotion and cream from the Daily Moisture Therapy line. These products are fragrance-free and targeted towards normal/ dry sensitive skin. I normally use the cream during the day and night. The lotion is for when things get really bad and I need that cooling sensation. It simply gets rid of the redness within twenty minutes for me. It’s also moisturizing and great for healthy skin in the long run. Doesn’t break me out at all.

Pictured:The emergency lotion.

Out of all the three products here, I’ve used the cream the longest and I highly recommend it if you can find it in the States. One bottle goes a long way. 

✨✨Conclusion ✨✨

I’m pretty sure that my skin will be just fine if I only use these three products in my routine. (Less is more, remember?) These are just products that I’ve noticed don’t trigger my skin but it’ll definitely be different for everyone. You can reblog and add your own!
