

A regiment, said to be cruel,
Kicked Nachman right out of his school
So he said, “Fill our needs
By compressing some reeds
ForShabbat, so we’ll each have a stool.”

“Can an eruv that’s placed in a basket
High up in a tree do the task?” “It
Seems to me if it’s tipped,
Below ten it has dipped,
Therefore obvious. Why did you ask it?”

Ten handbreadths or more up a tree
Aneruv is not meant to be.
Below that, it’s fit.
And if placed in a pit,
It is good even down half ali.

kyraneko:captaincrusher:Man 1500 years ago: Let me sleep with this woman or I will die. The rabb



Man 1500 years ago: Let me sleep with this woman or I will die.

The rabbis:

(Link to tweet here)

Dude holding himself hostage to extort sex (or anything else) from someone is not the problem of the extortee.

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