#tanaka black butler



New Phantomhive maid who’s good at her job but not experienced in combat:

Characters: Sebastian Michaelis, Tanaka and Snake.

- He’s honestly quite pleased that someone more ‘capable’ will be working at the manor

- Sebastian will often have the maid help him clean up the other’s messes

- She’s one of the very few servants at the Phantomhive estate that he can actually fully rely on to get things done

- He’s not concerned about her inability to handle herself in battle

- If she wants to learn then Sebastian is willing to teach her but with the master’s permission of course

- Sebastian would most likely teach her basic hand-to-hand combat at first though if she wanted, he could teach her literally any form of combat

- He’d be an incredibly stern teacher

- Throwing in little jabs at her whenever she messes up

- They’d be a lot like “For someone who wishes so badly to fight, you’re rather careless” or “Take things seriously. You’re a Phantomhive servant not a freshly born calf”

- He can be kind of ruthless so I don’t recommend

⏱- Tanaka’s a little protective of the Phantomhive family so he’s the littlest bit cautious at first

⏱- He has high expectations for this new maid as they are now a Phantomhive servant after all

⏱- Although he has high expectations, that does not mean he’ll be disappointed that they aren’t an experienced fighter

⏱- As much as he appreciates the other servants, a specific amount of them tend to get into trouble so he’s very glad that the maid is very educated in her work

⏱- As for her fighting, Tanaka would probably let her know that it’s nothing she needs to concern herself with

⏱- If she’s persistent then he’s willing to teach her a few tricks

⏱- Tanaka will most likely teach her how to fight smart like using the enemies weight against them

⏱- He’s a lot less brutal compared to Sebastian but that doesn’t mean he’s not strict

⏱- If she ever feels bad about messing up then he’s always there to lift her spirits for her to try again

⏱- Unfortunately he can’t help for very long as he gets rather tired and needs a sip of tea

- The boy’s a bit nervous at first as he can get pretty shy

- He just hopes that whoever this person is, they don’t invade his space

- But he will quickly start to appreciate the new servant’s hard work

- He tends not to ask for help but doesn’t mind if she lends a hand

- As for her lack of experience in combat, Snake can’t do too much

- If anything, he turns into a sort of unenthusiastic cheerleader

- Might bring her some water after she’s done training with the others or offer some snacks

- If the maid were to ever be upset about a mistake she made then Snake is quick to be there to listen and usually has Emily help in cheering her up

- I think that no matter how strong the maid would get, Snake would still want to protect her

- He just doesn’t want another person to leave him
