#tanaka kotoha

Forgot to upload this earlier… Drawn for Kotoha’s bday this year.

Forgot to upload this earlier… Drawn for Kotoha’s bday this year.

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Happy birthday Kotoha~ My yearly obligation to draw her since we have the same birthday haha.

Happy birthday Kotoha~ My yearly obligation to draw her since we have the same birthday haha.

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Summer’s Here! Idol Aquatic Sports Festival 2015. 2015-06-09Summer’s Here! Idol Aquatic Sports Festival 2015. 2015-06-09Summer’s Here! Idol Aquatic Sports Festival 2015. 2015-06-09Summer’s Here! Idol Aquatic Sports Festival 2015. 2015-06-09Summer’s Here! Idol Aquatic Sports Festival 2015. 2015-06-09Summer’s Here! Idol Aquatic Sports Festival 2015. 2015-06-09Summer’s Here! Idol Aquatic Sports Festival 2015. 2015-06-09

Summer’s Here! Idol Aquatic Sports Festival 2015. 2015-06-09

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