#tano hoshizawa astro



“why not a dragon?” “thought I’d change it up. I guess…”

yes, he did use his quirk to make his hair duller for halloween… not like they could see well at night anyways lmao

misters hoshizawa is a werewolf for this hallows eve night!!

tagging ocs i stole <3 @residentquirksupport@rescue-hero-cardiac (both your u/n’s start with “res” that’s satisfying)


they are het-e-ro-sex-u-al please they are not in anys ways gay. thanks you.

(sorry for being a little IA in posting actual content!! been hitting walls of just not finishing things and the ever so lovely art block <3)


bout to snooze (close my pc and use my phone for n hour & eat oatmeal packets) here’s this b4 i go


(he’s annoyed i keeps messing with stylez <3 & like same buddy)


Um. happy birthday Yori? @beetrootbot

I’m getting this one on time because i had thoughts even if it’s not a full comic

tw: implied self harm below (not explicit)

Keep reading
