#tanselle too tall



“Tanselle Too-Tall was her name, but she was not too tall for me.” —Duncan the Tall

Just a drawing of Ser Duncan the Tall and Tanselle. Why? because I ship them so much and I’m very excited about the fact that, according to George himself, Tanselle may appear in other tales of Dunk and Egg. I hope Dunk puts aside his shyness and he is encouraged to tell her that he likes her

fortunate-hal: “That was good,” Egg enthused. “I like how you make them move, Jonquil and the dragon


“That was good,” Egg enthused. “I like how you make them move, Jonquil and the dragon and all. I saw a puppet show last year, but they moved all jerky. Yours are more smooth.”                 

“Thank you,” she told the boy politely.    

Sketches of Tanselle Too-Tall made in preparation for the ink illustrations of The Hedge Knight, scanned from Art of Gary Gianni for George R. R. Martin’s Seven Kingdoms    

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