#taoris imagine

~~*VSFW*~~During the years when they weren’t talking, the memories they had of each other were a sou


During the years when they weren’t talking, the memories they had of each other were a source of pain and joy in turns. In different areas of the city, in different parts of the country, or across the world from each other, they sometimes thought of each other at the same time: the long nights in the studio before debut, the times they went shopping together, every evening that Kris had to wait for Tao outside the shower to protect him from ghosts, the ridiculous games they played on variety shows, and the sweat they poured together on stage. Each sweet memory pricked bruised and bleeding hearts until any happiness turned bitter on their tongues. When even the best times clouded over in a miasma of hurt, they knew they had to make new memories to replace the old, just as they had changed the people they once were. They met for the first time, again, to introduce the men they had become.

- Admin J

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