#taron egerton fanfic


It’s a lazy evening. Taron hasn’t been home but an hour and as you return to the living room from the kitchen you pause in front of a large window and peer out over the Marina. Looking down you notice tiny droplets of rain beginning to disturb the pale blue water below.

A flash of lightening reflects in the earth’s mirror, drawing your eyes up onto the sky. “One alligator…two alligator…three-”. Thunder crashes in the distance and as it fades you hear Otis Redding serenading you from the stereo. “Darling yoooouuu send me.” The music is soft and low, you can only make out the words because Taron has played it so many times before.

The sky lights up again as his fingers sweep across the skin of your hip just underneath the hem of your t shirt. Soon you are enveloped in his arms and a comforting warmth stretches itself down your back as he presses his body against you from behind. Your curves fitting together like perfectly aligned puzzle pieces. He lays a single sweet kiss on your neck, the skin of his lips sticking just a bit as he slowly pulls away.

Grabbing your waist he turns you to face him, pulling you close with a slight pressure on the small of your back. He wraps his free hand around yours. You lay your palm down on his shirt, feeling the strength of his chest before slowly running it up over his shoulder, resting it’s side into the crook of his neck and stroking the fuzzy little hairs on his nape with your fingertips.

Taron is not subtle about his intentions as he sways from side to side. His movements are inviting and you easily follow, resting your cheek on his shoulder. The cotton of his shirt is soft, almost fighting against the hard, muscular frame beneath it. Adjusting your head, the tip of your nose brushes against his jaw and you inhale deeply before setting your cheek down again. The scent of his cologne invades your body, not the crispness of a fresh spritz, but the worn scent that comes when the bottom notes have engrained themselves into a man after a long day.

He begins to sing softly in your ear and your eyes slip shut. His voice is low and growls just enough to tell you he is tired, that he has been talking all day. A tiny smile breaks across your face as you listen because despite this, he still sings to you.

The sound of the rain takes over as Otis and Taron finish their song. It’s pounding on the roof now, and you continue to dance as the storm creates a rhythm of it’s own. Taron hums, stopping every so often to lay a kiss on the crown of your head and the two of you stay in front of the window as the sun sets, moving together in a steady calm while the winds rage outside.
