


Summary: It’s Childe’s birthday!

Genre: fluff and short fic (?)

G/N reader!



Beautiful beautiful morning. Well you woke up at 5 so the sun wasn’t shining yet. The reason why? Well, today is your partners birthday and you wanted to prepare something special, though there are some twists that you made. One of them is you wanted to ignore him and forgot his birthday. Secondly, you wanted to get a little help and invite Zhongli to his birthday, I mean he’s Childe’s close friend and you knew him so why not invite him. You took a shower and made some breakfast. When you were cooking, Childe came out from the room and just woke up, perfect. He came up to you and hugging you from behind, putting his head on your neck.

“Morning..”, “good morning love.” you said, he’s so cute when he just woke up, you’re a bit unsure if you wanted to continue the plan, but you stay determined. You knew Childe is a bit clingy especially on this specific day. “Do you know what day is today?” he asked you, you knew this was gonna happen, “Tuesday? yeah, I believe it’s Tuesday.” you lied. He frowned and looked at you, finding some clues if you’re lying, to his surprise you kept your normal face. “Oh yeah.. it is Tuesday..” he said with a little bit of hurt in his voice. “Here’s your breakfast babe.” you said, “Oh and I have to leave since the guild needed me.” you added, Childe looked at you sadly, “Can’t you stay for awhile? I miss you..” he plead, but you said you cant and give him a kiss and leave in an urgent, Childe just nodded. Your planned worked and now on to the next step.

You were at the funeral parlor as planned to meet Zhongli, “Good morning Zhongli,” “Good morning y/n, how’s he?” Zhongli asked. “He’s.. well.. let’s just say he’s disappointed when I have to leave early,” you shrugged, Zhongli nodded and take you on shopping for some things, but also keep an eye if Childe is around. It’s almost lunch and you head back to the parlor to put the stuff you’ve bought while Zhongli reserved a place for both of you to eat, you quickly went to the parlor and leave immediately, acted like nothing happened. As you were walking you saw Childe, you wanted to greet him but your next plan was to ignore him. Childe walked up to you but you swerve thinking he was a random person. His heart hurt, like literally… its me special day why you do dis to me :(. “y/n.” he called but you didn’t notice, he watched where you were going and he was shocked that you were spending time with Zhongli. He wanted to pull you and hug you but you were far away. And so he left.

Time skipped

Childe never felt so lonely on his birthday, you weren’t there to give him a proper attention and you went out and talked with his closest friend. Even Zhongli didn’t have time to talk to him, yeah sure busy.. busy talking to my partner :). His day never felt really dull, he’s just wish that today ended quicker. You on the other hand was preparing some decorations with Zhongli at your house, nothing much just a cake, balloons, flowers, and gifts. Everything went well and everything is set, Zhongli is looking out at the window to see if Childe was coming. After a few hours, Zhongli finally saw Childe and the two of you took place, turning of the lights. Childe unlocked the key and came in, ‘sigh, they’re aren’t home yet…’ he thought. Then when he turned on the light, “SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY.” both of you shout, Childe jumped.. he couldn’t believe what he sees, “so two of you actually remembered,” Childe said, “Of course we are. What kind of person are we if we forget about your birthday.” you said and Zhongli nodded. “Go on make a wish,” Zhongli said, Childe blows the candle and both of you cheered. Then both of you give him the presents, Zhongli gave him a really good quality scarf since Childe lives in Snezhnaya, the fabric is really soft, he can’t wait to use it. You gave him a bracelet and a sweater, the sweater is warm and soft and the bracelet has charms on it, a narwhal the shape of his constellation and a rose.. the flower that he first gave to you. He thanked both of you for the present.. but you said there’s one more, a voice recorder device..? You told him to play it.

“Ajax, happy birthday, this is me Tonia, I hope you’re happy at Liyue now, I hope you’re doing great on your work.. y/n wanted us to make this, so here it is hehe. Oh Anthon wants to talk to you, here Anthon..

Ajax, happy birthday, I hope you’re healthy and happy, we’re sorry we aren’t able to visit you to celebrate you’re birthday. this is the least we could do. One gift from one family! BIG BROTHER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! it’s me Teucerrr, I can’t wait for you to come back home and play again. I really wanted to show you some toys that I’ve just bought, they’re really cool!! and dont forget to bring big brother/sister y/n with you, I wanted to see them, I hope they’re okay. Btw, mom and dad wanted to say something, here you go mom..

Darling, happy birthday. We hope you’re doing great, we’re really sorry that we couldn’t see you sweetie, I know you really missed us and scenery of Snezhnaya, home feels a bit empty without you. We wanted to thank you for your hardwork and dedication towards your duties, we’re happy as long as you’re happy. We just wish that we could hug you and hang out together.. Reading your letters aren’t the same comparing you’re at home telling us stories about your work.. ah.. the recording almost reached its limit.. sigh, time to say goodbye and sending some thank you’s to your partner for accompanying you. Once again happy birthday Ajax! we love you.. byee”

Tears formed in his eyes.. this is really beautiful, he never thought of having this as a gift, he hugged both of you tightly. He never felt so far from his family after hearing that. You wiped his tears away and looked at him softly. Childe thanks you and Zhongli for this lovely gifts, he wanted to keep it. After that, you and Zhongli treat him for a dinner. Three of you talked and laugh together, basically spending some time together. It’s almost late, Zhongli parted ways from you and Childe and wave a goodbye.

When you got back home, both of you got ready for bed. Once you finished, Childe pulled you into a cuddle, you softly brushed his hair and kissed him softly on his lips. Both of you just talked before both of you started to drift of into a deep sleep, you swear you could feel him smiling while he’s sleeping, he’s really happy.

“Thank you for today, I couldn’t imagine this day without you, and I also never thought hearing my family’s voice at a time like this.. you really are an angel.”


(A/N: happy birthday to my beloved Childe!! This is really long than I thought ehe.. sorry for being inactive again, I already have school so I’m trying my best to write.. btw, I’ll be doing a little surprise so stay tuned. BYEE)

Пока все шумят вокруг годовщины, я жду реран Тартальи)


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“This biceps’ mine”-Lumine

Drowning In Pleasure

Pairings: Ayato, Childe X F!reader

Warnings:NSFW (18+ ONLY), honestly this is probably the spiciest thing I’ve written, strong language, teasing and denial, mentions of hickies in Childe’s, spoilers for Childe’s name, long hair implied

You’ve always had a love for water. How refreshing it was to take a swim on a hot day, or how soothing it was to unwind in the hot spring, how beautiful the surface looked when it shined like a million diamonds beneath the sun or reflecting the shimmering stars like a mirror, water meant a lot to you and ever since meeting Ayato, your appreciation for it has grown tenfold.

The head of the Kamisato Clan reminded you of the very essence of water. He could be as gentle as a stream or as fierce as the raging tide surrounding Inazuma. Despite being so young he held the wisdom of the oldest river and adapted to change the way water flowed over stones in its path. Always on the go, the way water would forever run, the times he finally slowed down were moments you never took for granted.

Ayato…” The man’s name rolled off your tongue in a desperate whisper, eyes closing and head falling to the side as his lips attached themselves to the juncture between your neck and shoulder.

The warm water you’ve been standing in has heightened the sensitivity of your skin, meaning every touch, every kiss, felt even better then usual. The towel wrapped around you hugged your figure comfortably beneath the water, though to be honest, you were having a hard time differentiating between what pressure came from the towel and what pressure came from the chest and stomach pressed against your back. A pair of thin but strong arms held you in place, keeping you from drifting too far. When your lover asked you to join him at the hot springs this evening, you never expected it to end up like this.

“Sounds like you had an eventful day, as always.” You said, taking a sip of sake from your glass before setting it back on the edge of the hot spring. “I know I’m a commoner and all, but I don’t know how you tolerate all those hours talking politics with old men with sticks shoved up their asses. No offence.”

Ayato chuckled and picked up his near empty cup. “There is no need to censor yourself. After all, it is just you and I in the company of the hot spring tonight.”

You picked up the glass bottle containing the alcohol and poured him some more. As you set the bottle back down you subconsciously placed a hand on your right shoulder and squeezed.

The corner of Ayato’s lips curled up, a short chuckle escaping him. “You’ve been favouring that shoulder for a while now. I’m beginning to believe you weren’t going to mention it to me.”

“Oh.” You dropped your hand, embarrassed to have gotten caught. “It’s not a big deal, just a little sore.”

The man hummed and set his glass down. “If that’s the case, then surely it will be no big deal if I tend to it, correct?”

With a small sigh, you moved to stand in front of Ayato and turned your back to him, adjusting the way the clip held your hair so it was out of the way. Ayato’s hands felt like heaven as they worked the knot out, starting with a light pressure before going deeper as to not shock the muscle. You breathed out pleasant sighs, vocalized relieved hums as the tension slowly but surely began to slip away. You gave him the okay and he took his hands away, only to replace them seconds later with his lips.

“I’ve heard rumours that the body’s sensitivity becomes heightened after bathing in the hot springs, but this is the first time I’m investigating the matter myself.” Ayato whispered over your skin, the ticklish sensation of his breath made goosebumps rise. “It seems those rumours are true. You are more responsive to my touch then you normally are, correct?”

From beneath the water, one of his hands trailed up your thigh. Your body shivered in pleasure, a moan spilling from your lips as you leaned even more of your weight against him. Remembering where you were, you clasped a hand over your mouth.

“Ah ah.” Ayato scolded, taking hold of your wrist and gently pulling it away. “Do not hide your voice from me.”

“But the staff-”

“Will not disturb us. I have reserved this place solely for us this evening and requested the staff not to check in.” He trailed kisses up your cheek until he could brush his lips against the outer curve of your ear. “No one will hear you but me. I give you my word.”

Oh, to hell with it. If the Yashiro Commissioner made a special request not to be disturbed, no one would be foolish enough to go against him.

Bashful, you turned your head to look at him. “I trust you.”

He smiled. “Good.”

Placing a finger beneath your chin, he tilted your head up and sealed your lips with a kiss. Ayato was an incredible kisser, knowing how fast or slow to move depending on the mood. Tonight he didn’t seem to be in a rush, taking his time to build you up, waiting for the right moment to sweep his tongue along your bottom lip in a request for entry. While keeping your mind busy with passionate kisses he reached for your towel, moving your arm out of the way so he could pull it from your body.

You sighed into his mouth as the hot water lapped freely at your skin, breaking the kiss with a moan as he cupped water in his hands and poured it over your breasts. They weren’t submerged by the body of the spring and archons the combination of warm water and his hands on them felt amazing.

“There isn’t a word strong enough to describe your beauty, my love.” Ayato’s chin rested on your shoulder as he repeated the process again. This time your back arched a little, pushing your chest further into his hands. “It’s rather frustrating, not having an appropriate term.” A moan spilled from your lips as he started massaging the soft mounds, eyes closing and head falling back against his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your neck. “As such, I will have to show you instead.”

Releasing one of your breasts, Ayato’s hand followed the contours of your body until he reached the space between your thighs, easily slipping a slender finger into you. You whined as he slowly pushed and pulled against your walls, his lips occupied with the taste of your skin, free hand gliding along your body as he teased all your sensitive spots.

A-Ayato…” You were having a hard time concentrating on words. “Y-You’re toying with me again…”

He chuckled against your ear. “Am I, now?” You groaned as he pulled his finger out, only to let out a sharp gasp as he started drawing circles on the sensitive bud between your folds instead. “But this is a fun game, wouldn’t you agree?

Your nails dug into his arm as you tried to stabilize yourself, tried to regain some kind of control over the overwhelming sensation. Soft cries and pleas for more rolled off your tongue every few seconds and just when you thought the end was near, he stopped.

Frustrated, you pushed the water in front of you with enough force to make a small splash. “You’re a jerk.”

The clan head laughed and nuzzled into your hair. “Only you are brave enough to call me such crude names to my face.”

“Would you rather I bow at your feet like everyone else?”

“I don’t recall saying such a thing. I’d hardly recognize you if suddenly started to be so obedient.” Ayato turned your to face him, gently brushing stray hairs from your face as he cupped your cheeks. “Your rebellious loyalty is quite the attractive quality.”

He captured your lips again. Now that you didn’t have to keep your head turned it was much easier to kiss him, your arms sliding over his shoulders to loosely hang around his neck. You were so caught up in the taste of him, the lingering sake on his tongue that you didn’t notice him turning you towards the edge of the spring until he suddenly lifted you from the water to sit you on the smooth surface. The air was cool enough to make you shiver.

“As head of the Kamisato Clan, there is only a small number of people I will drop to one knee before and serve.” Ayato’s lips brushed over your collarbone, hands running over your ribs and down your sides before coming to a stop at your hips. “Do you know who they are?”

You innocently shook your head, only to let it fall back with a moan as he started trailing light kisses in a line down your chest and stomach.

Ayato smirked against your skin. “One is the Almighty Shogun who reigns over Inazuma. The other…” He kissed the skin below your belly button and slid his hands to your thighs, pulling them further apart. “Is you, my sweet (Y/N).”

His tongue touched your ache and you cried out into the fog. Ayato tended to you slowly, alternating between licks and sucks as he deliciously tortured the sensitive bud he was playing with earlier. You could feel how wet you were getting, how eager your body was to take him yet you weren’t ready for this to stop just yet. You wanted the release he denied you earlier.

You carded your fingers through his hair, the light blue locks smooth to the touch as you moved them out of the way. Lavender eyes looked up into yours and knowing you were about to break, you clasped one hand over your mouth, gripped the ledge with the other and-

Ayato pulled away, cutting off your orgasm yet again and chuckling as you let out a scream of despair.

“Why?!” You screeched, staring at him in disbelief as the wave you were riding on started to roll away.

Taking hold of the hand you covered your mouth with, he brought it to his lips. “Forgive me, my love, but it was your fault this time. It seems you’ve forgotten the rules.”

“What ru- ah!” His fingers unexpectedly slid into you.

Oh, right. He wanted your voice.

I-I’ll be good.” You whined, hips rocking against his hand in search for more friction.

“Oh, I’m sure you will be. Now that you know the consequences, it would be wise for you to follow through on what I’ve asked.” Softly pecking your lips, he set you back into the water and spun you around. You gripped onto the edge of the hot spring, shivering in delight at the feel of Ayato’s body behind you. “This is your last chance, make it count. Unless the thought of going to bed tonight unsatisfied interests you?”

This handsome, charming, devil of a man. While part of you was tempted to find out if he would actually follow through with such a cruel threat you really didn’t want to take the risk. So, making the wise choice, you shook your head in response to his question.

Ayato didn’t fill you right away - instead he spent several minutes worshiping your skin, leaving kisses across your shoulders and upper back, waiting for the moment you least expected it to sheath himself inside you. A wild sound escaped you, something between a gasp and a moan at the suddenly intrusion. It bounced off the walls, creating an echo that sang a duet with the hymn of moving water as Ayato slowly, rhythmically, repeatedly, pushed in and pulled out.

“That’s a girl.” He whispered words of praise into your ear, a weakness he knew you loved and was all too willing to take advantage of. “Do you hear how lovely you sound?”

It was hard to focus on anything but the feel of him moving inside you, but yes, you were aware of how sultry the noises escaping you were. The most surreal part was that, although you’ve never been with anyone else, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that Kamisato Ayato would be the only man on earth capable of making you sing so honestly.

“A-Ayato!” You screamed his name as his thrusts got faster, hips colliding into your backside with more force.

Chuckling, he brought his lips to your ear again. “Yes, my love? What would you like?”

Whatever sense of shame or pride you had left was gone. This man had successfully, once again, rendered you into nothing more then a begging mess. I-I wa-wanna come! P-Ple-ah! Please, c-can I come- fuck!”

He kissed your shoulder. “You asked so nicely, and you’ve been such a good girl for me.” His arm wrapped around your waist so he could touch your collarbone, fingers slowly sliding down the length of your body from there. “I think it’s time for a reward.”

Finally reaching the space between your legs, Ayato drew rapid circles on your clit with the pad of his middle finger. With a sharp scream you exploded, spine bending forward as your entire body trembled from the intensity. Your ears were ringing, eyes squeezed shut, hands clenched into fists so tight your nails were biting the palms of your hands.

Ayato touched your chin and turned your head to the side so he could kiss the corner of your jaw. “I’m beginning to believe the Raiden Shogun was onto something in her pursuit for eternity. You’re heavenly when you let go in my arms. It’s a sight I would like to see for years to come.”

The only sound you could make was a moan, hips pushing back against him in a silent request for more. He must have been satisfied with how much he’s already teased you for he gave you what you wanted without a remark. Your throat was a sore from the work your vocal cords were doing but unending gasps, moans and whimpers kept slipping past your lips.

Ayato, who was usually so good as controlling himself, nuzzled his nose into your hair and quietly panted against your ear. The sound lit your stomach on fire, pushed you towards another orgasm and when the man behind you released an angelic moan you cried out and came again.

Seconds ago the room seemed so loud but now it was so quiet it was almost eerie. You whimpered as he pulled out, core so hypersensitive you couldn’t decide if the water you stood in felt nice or irritating.

Oh my god…” Your voice shook as the high started to fade, a wave of fatigue crashing into your muscles. Your lungs were trying to remember what it meant to breathe. “I’m not gonna have a voice tomorrow.”

“I will have Thoma brew some tea for you when we return to the estate.” Being gentlemanly, Ayato wrapped his hands around your wrists and helped you bend arms that had gone stiff from holding your position for so long. “You have given me quite the concert. Rest for now. I will take care of everything for the remainder of the evening.”

You hummed and let your weight go, relying on the water within the hot spring and Ayato’s strength to keep you afloat.

(More Warnings: Overstimulation (?) )

A long time has passed since the ocean next to Liyue Harbor threatened to wash the city away, but you could remember the event as though it happened yesterday. The unforgiving downpour of rain, the violent waves crashing against the docks, the massive serpent-like shadow in the distance and the flashes of light as the Jade Chamber took the monster down, it was a moment of history for the nation that held much value in history.

You found yourself thinking of that day as you sunk into the mattress, hands gripping a burgundy shirt for dear life as you fought against the muscle pushing against your tongue, nostrils flaring as the man above you insisted on drowning you in fervent kisses. Like the reckless waves that fateful day Childe’s hands glided over your body, gripping and squeezing and unable to decide where they wanted to settle. With your legs on either side of his waist he pushed against your hips and upon feeling how hard he was, let a moan spill into his mouth.

Dying for air, you tilted your chin up to escape his assault. “Jeez, Childe. What’s the rush? We have all night.”

In hindsight, you should have seen this coming sooner. A week long trip to Inazuma for Fatui matters meant you weren’t around to relieve his stress and, while you were happy to offer your services again, the poor meal sitting on the dinner table was growing cold. So much for the the preparations you’ve spent all day working on to properly welcome him home.

The front door of your apartment opened with a click, the sound making its way into kitchen and straight to your heart. Grinning, you set the spoon down and dashed down the hall, flinging yourself at the man who had just set the lock in place.

Luckily, Childe sensed you coming and was quick to catch you. His back hit the door with a small ‘thud’ from the force of your jump. “Missed me?”

“Very much.” You replied, hiding your face in his neck and taking in a big breath. The familiar scent clinging to his skin set you at ease. “I’ve been so bored it’s ridiculous.”

“Are you trying to say you only keep me around for entertainment?” Gripping the back of your thighs, Childe lifted you until your legs could wrap around his waist. Then he started walking. “I’m good for other things to, you know.”

Giggling, you pulled back enough to look at him. The blue in his eyes made butterflies dance in your chest. “I suppose you are. Cooking, keeping me safe… you satisfy me in a lot of ways.” You smirked at your own innuendo, but that quickly dropped when he carried you past the kitchen. “Um, Childe? Dinner is that way.”

The harbinger hummed and kept going. He walked under the doorframe that connected to your bedroom and practically dumped you on the freshly made bed. “Dinner can wait. We’re just gonna work up an appetite again anyway.” Smirking, he leaned over you. “Remind me how well I satisfy you again?”

Childe started hastily undoing the buttons of your blouse, struggling with some in his rush to get the barrier off. “I’ve been waiting all week to get you in this bed. I’m done waiting.”

As if to prove his point, his lips were on your body before all the buttons were popped out. You sighed in bliss as he sucked on your skin, leaving red marks across your collarbone and along the top of your chest. The haze of arousal was starting to creep up, threatening to render you useless so before it could take full effect, you fumbled with the remaining buttons Childe couldn’t seem to undo.

Childe…” You breathed his name, one hand running through his hair while the other ran up and down his arm. “I missed you.

“Yeah? What’d you miss, girlie?” He asked, travelling lower to show your breasts some attention.

You moaned and arched your back as he took a nipple into his mouth. “I missed your voice… and touching you… and waking up next to you- ohhhh.”

A shiver ran down your spine as the heel of his palm pushed against your crotch, giving you something to grind on. The friction felt really, really good but it didn’t satisfy you at all. In fact, it only made your core throb for more.

“I’ll bet your nice and ready for me under these jeans, right?” Childe asked, head tilting to the side with a cocky grin as he applied a little more pressure. “What do you want, (Y/N)?”

Your tongue… Childe, please…

The harbinger chuckled and flicked his tongue over the skin above the waistband of your jeans. The playful aura around him turned serious as he all but ripped the jeans from your legs, pushing one to the side and draping the other over his shoulder. The ferocity in which he took you made you scream, his tongue relentless as it awoke the most sensitive parts of you. Dipping in and out of you, circling and sucking on your clit, he was dragging you to the edge so fast you barely had time to think before the first of many orgasms rocked your body.

Tugging at the roots of your hair, gripping the sheets, hands running through his hair or gripping the arm draped over your waist you keep you from drifting further up the bed, you were at the mercy of Childe’s tongue and the man was starved.

Childe…” You whimpered, eyes squeezing shut and body tensing as another climax barrelled towards you. “Ajax!!!”

The muscles in your stomach experienced another spasm, back arching as you exploded on his tongue. Your thighs trembled, your breath hitched and all you could do was lay there and take the mind-numbing pleasure as it washed over you in waves.

Finally Childe backed off, sitting up and tugging his clothes off as you fought to regain sanity. He threw his shirt to the side, kicked off his boots and discarded his pants in some random corner before looming over you again and locking your lips in a heated kiss. You tried to touch him but with the speed only a Fatui Harbinger could have, he pinned your wrists above your head.

“You are going to be the death of me.” He growled, a flash of something primal in his eyes as he maneuvered both your wrists to be held with one hand.

He brought his free hand to his mouth and sucked on two of his fingers. The sexy sight made you whimper, that whimper soon turning into a gasp as he inserted those fingers into you.

“Can you do something for me, girlie?” Childe asked, to which you automatically nodded. You were more focused on the push and pull of his fingers than his voice. “I want you to come for me as many times as you can. Can you do that?”

Again you nodded and in response to that, he started going faster. His fingers curled to reach the spot that had your hips bucking against his hand and cries of his name spilling from your lips.

“That’s it. Show me how good I make you feel.” Pulling his fingers out, Childe patted your ache with enough pressure to make you squeal. “Roll over.”

You did as told, following further instruction to lift your hips so he could place a pillow beneath your navel. The angle meant your butt was elevated and the thought of how good this would feel had your mind racing and core clenching repeatedly around nothing.

“Just relax, girlie.” Childe said, his tip pressing against your entrance. “Do you trust me?”

You nodded, cheek resting against the sheets as you watched his face from over your shoulder. Childe bit his lower lip as he sunk into you, pushing in a far as your body would allow before dragging back and pushing in again. Your jaw dropped and your eyes closed, the feeling of him so deep inside you robbed you of any and all sounds for a moment.

Fuck…” You whispered, nearly breathless. “That feels so fucking good…”

Planting one hand on the mattress next to your ribs, he brushed your hair to the side so it was off your back. “Say my name again.”


He smirked and shook his head, hips pulling out until only the tip was left inside before stopping. “Not that one. Try again.”

“Tartaglia?” You guessed, hips trying to push back into him but he quickly held your lower back down. “Aja-AHH!”

Childe’s hips snapped forward, thrusting into you with a newfound power that had you gasping into the sheets. Every thought in your mind shut off, every sound that came out of your mouth incoherent and the only thing that mattered anymore was the bubbling sensation in the pit of your stomach.

A-Aja- fuck- Ajax- oh my g- fu- fuck!” Broken words were spilling from your mouth like an unstoppable and uncontrollable waterfall.

“Gonna come for me again?” He asked in a husky voice, drawing circles on your lower back with his thumb. “Go ahead. I’m not stopping you.”

The sound of his voice pushed you over the edge, this release hitting you harder then the others. You tugged at the sheets so hard you were sure they were gonna tear, not that it was your main concern right now.

You didn’t think it could get any better, but when Childe grabbed the back of your thigh and repositioned your leg so it was bent with your knee higher up a new world of pleasure showed itself. Somehow his tip was reaching deeper depths, the sound of skin against skin became the only sound you were aware of and it felt so good your eyes started to water. Was the human body even meant to take this level of passion?

Another orgasm was peeking over the horizon and to be honest, you were a little scared. The last four had taken a lot out of you but to go through a fifth? You weren’t sure if you could handle it without breaking completely.

“You’re so close to another one, girlie. I can feel it.” Childe said, groaning as he fought to keep his pace. “I’m almost there, too.”

Finding whatever ounce of strength you had left, you weakly lifted your head. “I-I don’t th-think I can-”

“Just one more.” He ran his fingers lovingly through your hair. “Give me one more and you’re done. Deal?”

Biting down on your lip and squeezing your eyes shut, you nodded. It intimated you but for Childe, you’d bare with it.

The man groaned and dipped his head as if it were too heavy to hold up. Up until now the most you’ve heard from him were quiet pants and the occasional whispered curse but now those sounds were getting louder. This thrusts were getting desperate, he kept adjusting his weight like he was struggling to hold himself up and as he breathed your name, you release for the final time.

You screamed and clawed at the blankets, the way your body tightened around Childe pushed him into a release of his own. With one final snap of his hips he came undone, burying his face in the back of your neck as he rocked against you. A sense of relief came over you as he pulled out - not that you didn’t love the experience but your body couldn’t handle anymore.

Childe chuckled and softly kissed your cheek. “Tired?”

You hummed, eyes struggling to open from how heavy they felt. The same went for your limbs. “I don’t wanna move… Can you start a bath for me?”

“Do you want lavender salts mixed in?”

You hummed, eyes closing again as you felt the mattress shift as Childe got off. You heard his feet against the floor, heard the light in the bathroom click on and listening to the water splash against the tub. Maybe you could rest your eyes for a few minutes… you won’t fall asleep, right?
