#taur vore

Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Luna’s paws beat a steady rhythm against the treadmill. The mouse was

Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.

Luna’s paws beat a steady rhythm against the treadmill. The mouse wasn’t trying to push herself, but she was getting a good, solid workout! She grabbed her water bottle out of the cupholder and took a swig.

Tp-tp-tp-tp. Tp-tp-tp-tp. Tp-tp-tp-tp.

Luna swallowed her mouthful of water and couldn’t help but glance to her left.

The gym was an all-access gym, with equipment for many different body types. The treadmill just to Luna’s left was one of the larger ones, meant for bigger customers who needed more intense workouts. It was currently in use.

Andintense was definitely the word that Luna would use to describe what the female canine was doing. The treadmill’s belt made a loud whir as it spun at an amazing speed. From her current vantage point, Luna could see the readout on the treadmill indicating its speed, which currently read an incredible 40, compared to Luna’s 5.

Tp-tp-tp-tp. Tp-tp-tp-tp. Tp-tp-tp-tp.

The greyhound herself was absolutely flying, her four legs hitting the treadmill in an irregular pattern as she leapt repeatedly into the air. She was slender, maybe even skinny, but clearly in excellent shape, the muscles in her legs propelling her body with immense power to offset the backward motion of the treadmill. Beads of sweat dripped from the canine’s nose and flung themselves from her paws with each leap.

Luna swallowed hard and turned her eyes forward, not wanting to stare. The canine’s workout was just so impressive. Of course, the difference in species meant they had different baselines, so it wasn’t fair to compare, but Luna could only imagine just how fast the greyhound would be going if she weren’t on that exercise equipment. Maybe she was some kind of professional athlete? Meanwhile, Luna’s muscles were already starting to get sore.

The mouse sighed and pressed a button on the treadmill, slowing her jog into a walk as she started to wind her workout down. Maybe with enough practice, she would be able to hit some higher speeds, though of course it would never be anything close to what that canine could do. But with enough dedication…

Luna’s thoughts were interrupted as she became aware of a large presence near her. She turned her head to look at it.

Her large ears drooped.

There was the canine, standing right next to Luna’s treadmill. She might be skinny, but the greyhound still towered over the tiny mouse. The canine’s mouth was open, her tongue lolling out as she panted heavily to regulate her heat.

Luna felt her heart sink into her stomach. Something in the greyhound’s eyes activated every prey instinct the little mouse had.

But before she had a chance to run, the canine grabbed her by the upper arms, yanking her off her feet and lifting her into the air. Her body dangled, her legs still kicking for a moment as they tried to walk on nothing. Luna was held in the air, her arms trapped at her sides by the strong grip. The canine’s hot breath washed over her face with each pant.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” the canine said, her tone pleasant and conversational. “I just need to replenish my protein after that workout.”

Luna barely had time to get out half a squeak before she was shoved into that open muzzle.


Ethel laid a hand on her throat. She could feel the mouse squirming in her gullet, but she was almost all the way in now, just the end of her long tail thrashing from the tip of Ethel’s muzzle. She sealed her lips and slurped the rest of the tail into her mouth, bulging out her cheeks. Then…


With a heavy swallow, she sent the mouse sliding down her gullet. The writhing bulge slipped down her upper body before settling in her stomach, hanging below her.

“Such a sweet little thing,” Ethel said to herself, running her tongue through the space between her upper lip and gums. “And a cutie, too! Almost a shame.”

She opened her eyes and looked around. The gym was fairly crowded, and though the whole process of snapping up the mouse had probably taken less than thirty seconds, quite a few eyes were looking at her – or more accurately, looking at the tight, writhing bulge in her normally-slender gut.

“Hrp!” Ethel brought a hand up to stifle a small burp. “Excuse me,” she said, to no one in particular.

She turned back to the treadmill to grab her things. She picked up her towel, wiping her face before throwing it over her shoulders, then grabbed her water bottle and took a deep draught of the cold fluid inside. Satisfied, she began to trot towards the exit, her stomach swaying slightly beneath her.

She had gotten a good workout and a good snack. An excellent start to her day!

She was barely a half-block into her walk home when she realized the squirming in her gut had stopped. “Are you… asleep?” Ethel asked, though she was aware that the mouse probably wouldn’t be able to hear her, regardless. “Most people struggle for at least an hour.”

But, as expected, there was no response, so Ethel just shrugged and continued her walk home.

Still, it was unusual to find such an obliging morsel. Maybe she would keep this one around for a while to savor properly.

And there were certainly plenty of other sources of protein. In fact, she could see a couple rabbits a little ways down the sidewalk who looked promising. They were heading in her direction and didn’t even seem to have noticed her yet.

Ethel licked her lips. Yes, it was going to be a great day!

I started thinking about skinny taurs, and this doodle ended up coming out! Luna belongs to my friend of the same name. Better be careful when you go to the gym, for other gym-goers might be hungry!
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Don’t underestimate small preds! Inspired by a tweet from Predwolf. I’ve been wanting to

Don’t underestimate small preds!

Inspired by a tweetfromPredwolf. I’ve been wanting to experiment a little bit with my art, and it ended up looking even more cartoony than my normal fare. I kind of like it, though?

Also been in kind of a taur mood lately.

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Sometimes if you’re really serious about an egg hunt, you’ve got to do whatever it takes

Sometimes if you’re really serious about an egg hunt, you’ve got to do whatever it takes to give yourself the advantage, even if it means getting rid of some of your competitors. Plus, you can snag a free Easter breakfast at the same time! Perfect!

Happy Easter, everyone! Whether you celebrate it or not, I hope you have a fantastic day! Eat lots of good food!
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Remember, when running a marathon, don’t hesitate to take advantage of the stations set up alo

Remember, when running a marathon, don’t hesitate to take advantage of the stations set up along the route to stay hydrated.

And maybe grab a protein boost while you’re at it!

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Oh dear! It looks like someone has slightly extended the waterslide in this hotel pool! At least the

Oh dear! It looks like someone has slightly extended the waterslide in this hotel pool! At least they added a nice jacuzzi at the end.

The best part is that the tigress’ belly may not even be that visible from above the water! She’s free to paddle around and work off some of her meal. Depending on how fast her stomach works, she might even be able to pass for pregnant when she leaves! Though she does look like she has maybe overdone it just a tad – she might be facing a stomachache later.

This was inspired by a sketch that htfcuddles did the other day!

Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.
If you’re so inclined, I’d much appreciate it if you’d buy me a coffee!
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Here’s that fox taur pred again! I’ve decided he’s some kind of bard, traveling arHere’s that fox taur pred again! I’ve decided he’s some kind of bard, traveling ar

Here’s that fox taur pred again! I’ve decided he’s some kind of bard, traveling around using his voice to drum up his next meal or place to stay. I think there’s at least one woodland critter that isn’t enjoying his song at the moment, though.

He still hasn’t told me his name, though. I need to figure that out.

Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.
If you’re so inclined, I’d much appreciate it if you’d buy me a coffee!

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This foxy fellow happened upon a burrow of sleeping bunnies! Let’s just say they woke up somew

This foxy fellow happened upon a burrow of sleeping bunnies! Let’s just say they woke up somewhere that is, at least, fairly warm. Though it does look like he may have stashed a few leftovers in that sack with his other stuff.

This was kind of done at random, using a pose generator for inspiration, and I didn’t intend for this to be a new character. But damn it, I’m already coming up with backstory and ideas for him!

Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.
If you’re so inclined, I’d much appreciate it if you’d buy me a coffee!
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The cervitaur from my last picture has finally managed to get back to the safety of her family! It s

The cervitaur from my last picture has finally managed to get back to the safety of her family! It seems she may have misinterpreted what her sisters meant, though.

Oh well! All’s well that ends well, am I right?

Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.
If you’re so inclined, I’d much appreciate it if you’d buy me a coffee!
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She stopped, turning her upper body, listening intently. Was that the snap of a twig? Had her pursue

She stopped, turning her upper body, listening intently. Was that the snap of a twig? Had her pursuers caught up with her?

When she had seen the human camp, she had decided to indulge herself. Her sisters had always told her that humans made delicious meals, and she knew it was difficult to find such an ideal situation to catch one. She could sneak into the camp and have her meal, and be gone before anyone knew what had happened. If she turned down this opportunity, when would she have another one?

Her sisters had been right: the humans were delicious. But she probably should have stopped with just one. The extra weight had slowed down her escape.

Still, even as overburdened as she was, she was a lot quicker on her feet than these humans. She would find a hiding place to squirrel herself away, and then she would be able to digest her meal in peace.

The forest was quiet: the humans that were tracking her hadn’t caught up yet. She pressed one of her forehooves into her bulging, squirming gut, running her tongue across her lips as she recalled the memory of the human women as they slid down her gullet. Then she was on the move again, her belly swaying and bounding with every leap and bound.

She would have to do this again some time.

Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.
If you’re so inclined, I’d much appreciate it if you’d buy me a coffee!
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