#tax reform

Trump’s Tax Reduction Follows John F. Kennedy Approach Already, all we hear is how Trump is trying t

Trump’s Tax Reduction Follows John F. Kennedy Approach

Already, all we hear is how Trump is trying to lower taxes for himself and friends. The stupidity of those who even say this is beyond belief.

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Zwei Billionen Euro im Muell €“Was uns der ‘Klimaschutz’ kostet”

Die Kosten zur Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele der Bundesregierung explodieren. Das rechnete jetzt der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) vor. Ueber zwei Billionen will Merkel im Kampf gegen das CO2 investieren. Kohle fuer die Muelltonne, denn wie eine Petition von 30.000 Wissenschaftlern gegen den Klimawahn zeigt, ist die Hysterie voellig unbegruendet. Wie Welt Online Mitte Januar mit…

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Morphium fuer das Volk: Das boese Erwachen kommt nach der Wahl

Die zentralen Krisen der kommenden Jahre wurden im Bundestagswahlkampf ausgeblendet. Euro-Krise, EZB-Geldpolitik, Zerfall der EU – in den entscheidenden Fragen wollen die Parteien dem Waehler nicht sagen, was wirklich kommt. Denn es wird unangenehm.

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Merkels Vermaechtnis: Deutschland spielt nicht mehr in der Welt-Liga

Die politischen Parteien in Deutschland haben den Uebergang in die Moderne verpasst. Diese Entwicklung ist das Vermaechtnis der Aera-Merkel, in der das Neue stets als Gefahr fuer einen idealisierten Status Quo verteufelt wurde.

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Germany & France to Tax Online People Renting Their Houses | Armstrong Economics

Germany and France have conspired to tax citizens who rent their houses after the German election. Germany and France are scheming to submit a joint proposal on…

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The Revolution Cycle can be just 13 to 26 Weeks

…The Venetian Empire eventually crumbled by the same strategy of divide and conquer turning neighbors against neighbors. It was called the Mouth of Truth. Anyone could drop a slip upon anyone else and accuse them of whatever. They were immediately seized and assumed to be guilty….

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Last Friday in the middle of the night, Republicans passed their tax bill, complete with last-second amendments scribbled in the margins. They rewrote the entire American economy with no time for Senators to even read the bill or see expert analysis - and now, many middle class and lower-income families could face tax hikes or lose critical services just to pay for a tax cut for the wealthiest few.

But this bill still has a hurdle to clear: The House and Senate versions are very different, and need to be combined before the bill can pass. That means we still have time to call both members of the House and Senate before the final vote.

Here’s your script: “Hi, my name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [your town], and I’m frankly disgusted by the tax bill recently passed by the Senate. Adding last-minute amendments doesn’t fix the fact that this bill blows up the deficit and raises taxes on middle-class families to pay for a big tax cut for the wealthy. I want [Senator/Representative] so-and-so to vote against this bill when it comes to conference. Thank you.”

The Senate is expected to vote on a budget resolution on Thursday. This is the first step towards passing a massive tax cut for the very wealthy and corporations paid for by exploding the deficit, setting the stage for big cuts to critical programs like Medicare and Medicaid. 

Right now, Republicans may not have the votes to pass the resolution. Call your Senators on both sides of the aisle and tell them to oppose this tax plan!

Here’s your script: “Hi, my name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [your town]. I’m calling to ask Senator So-and-so to vote against the upcoming budget resolution for tax reform. I oppose any effort to cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations that increase the deficit or cut domestic spending and I hope the Senator will do the same. Thank you.”
