


Prompt: Hey guys, my birthday is on 27th May but i decided to send the prompt early on so you have plenty of time to work your magic :)

I just want an Everlark fic/ficlet (i wont mind it being a multi-chap XD) which is set up in the Star Wars universe. You can follow any dynamic, any plot, movie anything! I just want it to be a smutty, badass piece of work with Older Peeta (5 or more years older) and HEA! (gonna be HEA if its longer)

So bring on the action, battles, romance and smut!! [Submitted by @sparklingdust4612​]


Summary: Katniss lets her thoughts wander about the Mandalorian she’s been stuck with for weeks.

Author’s Notes: Happy birthday, Stella! Word Count~ 1.1k+

She’s been running for months now, hopping from planet to planet only by the mere chance someone was willing to let a desert rat onto their ship. Nearly a month has passed since she got stranded on Tatooine—an absolute backwater planet—after her last transport decided to dump her off and leave her behind.

Katniss knows she’s overextended her stay because she can’t leave the cantina during the day without worrying that glimmering beskar armor and a T-shaped visor will meet her outside. Sleep practically clings to her like a second skin, but she doesn’t dare close her eyes—she can’t.

So she sits in the corner of the cantina, using the last of her credits to order something strong. She doesn’t even realize that her eyelids begin to feel heavy, steadily blurring out the dim lights around her while she waits for her drink. Luckily, Katniss catches herself before her head hits the table, blinking away the exhaustion.

She should stay awake. She needs to stay awake


Her luck runs out that day, and she’s disappointed that she made it easy for him—how he’d walked into the cantina and scooped up her sleeping form out of the dusty booth without destroying half the place in the process.

When she’d woken up to find herself tied down to his co-pilot seat, she cursed him out in every word of huttesse she could think of. Although, he’s probably used to it by now because he blatantly ignored her, only talking to her when he warned they were going into hyperspace. 

That was several weeks ago. Now, Katniss finds herself stranded on another planet that’s more green and vibrant than Tatooine, and this time, she’s stuck with the Mandalorian because his rust-bucket for a ship decided it didn’t want to fly anymore.

She’s sitting on the landing dock, twirling around a blaster that he gave to her solely for emergencies while he left to search for a mechanic—to say that she’d been a little surprised when he handed it to her is an understatement.

Although he’s a lot nicer than she first gave him credit for, he’s always very serious that it’s often hard to pinpoint if he’s merely tolerating her existence until he can get rid of her. It’s not like he goes out of his way to talk to her for her to assume otherwise. Over the past weeks, the most she’s learned about him is that his hair is blonde and curly when she had accidentally walked in on him while he was using the fresher.

Of course, it was too dark for her to see anything else, and she’d quickly closed the door before he could say anything that would embarrass them both. Yet, she’s curious about what his voice would have sounded like if he had. 

Is it deep or raspy behind the scratchiness of his modulator? Speaking of…

Katniss looks off in the direction where he’d disappeared into the thick mangrove hours ago, wondering if she should go out looking for him (mainly because she’s hot and sticky from the humidity) despite him ordering her to stay put. But after another hour rolls by, she heads off in search of something to help cool her off.

Luckily, unlike desert planets, there isn’t any water shortage on one that sees rain three times a day, so it doesn’t take her very long to find a small pool next to a large waterfall. She sets her blaster down on a rock, followed by her wraps until she’s left in nothing but her plain underwear. 

The water is icy cold and laps gently at her feet when she steps in. But she can’t complain as the heat from the day slowly washes away the further she walks into the pool and finds a ledge to sit on. 

Her thoughts drift back to the Mandalorian, incessant and intruding even though she shouldn’t be thinking about him while wet and naked. Still, she thinks about his hands as she runs hers along her neck. She knows they’re probably rough and scarred from years of hunting—aware that they’re big enough to encase her waist.

Katniss sighs, sinking further into the water while her hands smooth over her breasts and down her stomach. 

She wishes she could see him without violating ancient laws that hid him from the rest of the world. Instead, she’s left with just her imagination. Katniss pictures what he might look like under the heavy beskar, knowing that the broadness of his shoulders isn’t only due to his armor but also from the way his job has shaped him.

Her hands travel lower, fingers brushing through the sticky slick between her legs that’s evidence of what the Mandalorian does to her even when he’s not around. A breathy moan slips past her lips as she uses her middle finger to circle her clit, slow, precise swirls that make her heart skip. 

Except, she frowns at how small hers are compared to the ones she’s caught herself staring at far too many times. They don’t fill her nearly enough, not like his would—thick and unrelenting.

Katniss’s breath hitches from pinching the sensitive peak of her nipple, just until she feels a slight sting. Then it slips out, a tiny thing that’s only audible to her ears: “Mando,” she chokes even though that’s not his real name.

Does he have a name? If so, does he remember it? What would it sound like rolling off of her tongue…?

Dirty,” he’d tell her for thinking such lewd thoughts about him. Which she probably is for getting so worked up over a man she knows nothing about.

A man who’s so big that he makes her feel small—it’s enough to make her shudder, body vibrating from the chill of the water and her frayed nerves.  

Fantasies aren’t nearly enough to sate the longing that swirls deep in her chest. Yet she’s slipping over the edge of ecstasy before taking her next breath—little moans of the Mandalorian’s artificial name spill from her lips like the waterfall that rushes into the pool around her waist.

Her orgasm makes her feel light, floaty even, while leaning against the stone ledge to slow her heart rate.

She doesn’t realize her eyes have fallen shut until they flutter open, and she’s startled to find gleaming beskar peaking out through the mangrove across the pool. The Mandalorian’s chest heaves as if he ran here, though he probably did to find her. 

Katniss feels glued to that moment, and the longer she stares at her reflection in his visor, she’s suddenly struck with the mortifying realization that he’d seen her cum—that he heard her cry out Mando so intimately.

On top of that, he came alone, meaning he didn’t find a mechanic and that she’s stuck on this desolate planet with him for who knows how long. 



Prompt: kissing in the rain [submitted by anonymous]


Author’s Note: Mentions Underage Drinking

When Katniss first met the Mellark siblings, she was seven. She’d been playing with her new set of matchbox cars in Uncle Haymitch’s open backyard by herself because Prim had been sick with a cold. 

The Mellark siblings were riding down the sidewalk on their bikes, only stopping when they saw her.

Katniss froze as the girl hopped off her pink bike and bounded over to her.

The boy with her was short and slightly round with a mop of blonde curls falling into his eyes. There was a small smudge of dirt on his nose and a faded grass stain on his left knee. He stayed behind the girl, shyly peering at Katniss from around the girl’s slight frame.

“Oh, do you mind if Peeta plays with us? He’s my baby brother.”

Katniss glanced over at the shy boy’s round face when he muttered, “I’m not a baby.”

She decided then that she wouldn’t mind being friends with the Mellark siblings, and wherever Madge went, Peeta went too—not that Katniss minded. Peeta was a nice boy, unlike those in her grade that liked to pull on her pigtails. 

And she kind of enjoyed having his blushy smiles around.


Katniss sat next to Madge on the living room floor, flipping through a catalog for prom dresses and drinking cans of cherry-flavored soda.

“Oh! What about this one?” Madge said, pointing at a dress that had more sequins than fabric. Katniss told her it was ugly, scrunching her nose, and her friend gasped. “No it’s not.”

“What’s ugly?”

Peeta walked into the room, still wearing his gear from baseball practice, and plopped down on the floor beside Katniss.

He’d lost most of his baby fat over the years, but there was still a bit of roundness around his face that he hadn’t gotten rid of. Although, that never stopped the girls from fawning over him at school. 

And Katniss would be lying to herself if she didn’t think he was cute—especially when he turned into a blushing mess around her.

The tips of Peeta’s ears turned a shade of pink. “Uh, hey, Katniss.”

She smiled before reaching over to ruffle his hair. “Hey, squirt.”

He grumbled and swatted at her hand. 

“What are you two doing?”

“Looking at prom dresses,” Madge said, not lifting her eyes from the page in front of her.

Peeta nodded and peered over at Katniss. “Cool, and um, who are you going to prom with, Katniss?”

“I’m not going.”

“Which is crazy because it’s our senior year,” Madge grumbled as she flipped the page.

Katniss rolled her eyes. “I told you that I have to help Prim get ready for her middle school dance. Plus, I went last year and thought it was overrated.” Then she glanced over toward Peeta, a small smirk on her lips. “I saw that you asked Delly to prom.”

Madge’s head snapped up from the catalog to stare at her brother with wide eyes. “Really? The Cartwright girl? She’s so cute, Peeta!”

Peeta’s face glowed crimson. “Oh, that—uh, we’re just going as friends…because she wanted to go!”

Katniss nudged his shoulder, smiling. “It’s okay. You can say that you like her.”

He tugged on his ear, still blushing. “Well, I was going to ask you, actually.”

She shook her head. “Ha, ha, very funny, squirt. Delly would be better company.”

“Plus, sophomores aren’t allowed to go to the after-party,” Madge told him as she stood up to grab a snack from the kitchen.

Katniss leaned into his side, keeping her voice low. “Don’t listen to her. She just doesn’t want you to catch her making out with Gale.”

“I heard that!”

Peeta turned to face her. “Will you be going?”

She shook her head. “No, I have to finish writing essays for scholarships tonight.”

“Oh, well, I can come keep you company if you want.”

“Eh, don’t worry about me, squirt. I’ll be fine. Enjoy prom.” Then she smirked. “And your time with Delly.”

And if Katniss were paying closer attention, she probably would have noticed how Peeta’s smile almost seemed forced at her words.


Katniss was in the middle of watching a movie when she heard the sound of gentle taps on her window. For a moment, she thought she imagined it—blaming it on the heavy downpour outside… until she heard again several seconds later. 

Standing up from her bed, Katniss walked to the window, and there, under the old oak tree near her house, stood Peeta—his light blue tie against his black tux helping her see him better. 

She rushed downstairs, trying not to wake up Haymitch, who was snoring loud enough to rattle windows on the couch before she opened the front door to a soaking wet Peeta standing on the porch.

“Peeta? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?“ 

Katniss used the sleeve of her sweater to wipe the water from his face, running her hand through his curly hair as she gave him a once-over to make sure nothing was wrong. 

"I, uh…I…

"You haven’t been drinking, have you?”

“No!” he blurted, and then he looked down at his shoes sheepishly after his outburst. “I mean, maybe a little, but I’m not drunk.”

She stepped out onto the front porch, so they didn’t wake up Haymitch in the living room. Katniss grabbed his hand and led him to the porch swing, tugging him down next to her.

“Okay, tell me what’s up. You never come and visit me this late at night. Did everything go okay with Delly?”

He ran a hand through his long curls. “Yeah, it was alright. Did you finish your essays?”

“I did,” she said slowly, still confused.

His lips pressed together, releasing a shaky breath as he picked at the chipped paint on the porch swing. “Can… can I ask you something? If I had asked you out to prom, would you have said yes?”

Her mouth opened and closed a few times. “Peeta, where is this coming from?”

“Delly told me to try my shot because I’ve liked you for years,” he said in a rush. “So… would you have said yes?”

For the first time, Katniss actually looked at Peeta, not as Madge’s little brother but as the boy who made her laugh when she cried—who walked with her on her first day of middle school because she was scared, and shared his lunch with her when she didn’t have one. 

He’s always sent the brightest smiles her way, and she liked how pretty his eyes were when he wore blue. She couldn’t hide that she’d drag Peeta away after his games after noticing the number of girls that would fawn over him, usually blaming it on her being his protective older friend, not that of a jealous love interest.

So she looked at him now: his tux hugged his ever-growing broad shoulders, blonde curls perfectly swooped above his brow, and eyes hopeful. 

“Yeah,” she finally answered. “I would have said yes.”

Katniss squeaked in surprise when Peeta leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers, almost clumsily. Their kiss was messy, a little unpracticed, but she couldn’t help the sigh that bubbled out of her chest when he brushed his fingers through her hair.

She swore she’d never been kissed like that before—like he was trying to drink her in, and he groaned into her mouth when her tongue slid across his bottom lip. Time seemed to stand still around them, the rain steadily pelting down against the roof, but Katniss could hardly hear it over her heartbeat thrumming in her ears. 

Peeta’s mouth curled into a small smile against hers when he pulled away, only to have her follow after him. “Prom was totally worth it.”

Her laugh was airy as she found his lips again. “Yeah? Wait until next year. Your date is probably going to be boring, fair warning.”

His eyes round for a split second before he gave her that blushy look that was so like Peeta. Then he said: “You couldn’t be boring even if you tried.” 
