#taz hurloane


Wrong fandom for this blog, but I’m really happy with this and don’t even use my TAZ blog anymore, so I figure I’d share from here! Happy Candlenights @adventuresloane <3 !! I also love me some Hurloane content, so I hope you like this! Plus a slightly brighter still image. :D

ID: a video and digital drawing of Hurley and Sloane from The Adventure Zone sitting on a rooftop together. Hurley is a Black halfling wearing a light pink top and black shorts. She has short pink hair with an orange streak in it that is sprawled around her messily, since she is laying down. She hangs one arm off the edge of the roof they’re on, and she holds a paper cup with that hand. Sloane is an elf with brown skin wearing a cropped black waistcoat and black leggings. She has long pink hair with a black streak in it. Sloane is sitting with her legs hanging off the edge and Hurley is laying her lower body across Sloane’s legs. They are surrounded by snacks, their pink and red pairs of boots, and their ram and raven masks. It is dark outside and the stars are out behind them, but there are lights coming from the windows of the building they’re on, and other buildings behind them. The video shows the ribbons on Hurley’s mask to be flowing in a breeze. The photo is a still shot from the video. End ID.

(Please click on the full image for better quality tumblr has decided to make this Extra Crunchy today- also almost forgot to tag @thecandlenightszone)
