#tea snob alert


So I decided I may as well keep a tea log, partly to keep track of teas I want to buy again and partly so I can look back on it and laugh at myself. And possibly a book log, but that’s for another day. Today’s tea is quite a nice Assam. It’s a single-estate organic fair-trade (though I’m not certain offhand who certifies either of those things). They recommend 1-2 Perfect Spoons and a 2-7 minute steep. I typically use a spoon and a half or so, and this time tried a 6-minute steep. It comes out strong and naturally quite sweet, though it didn’t seem particularly malty for an Assam, and it holds up well to milk and sugar. DAVIDsTEA doesn’t mention whether it’s first or second flush (so I’m kind of assuming first).

I really enjoy this tea, but (tea snob alert (yes, I consider myself a tea snob even though I add milk and sugar (sorry Mom))) I would probably like it even more if I hadn’t once had an SFTGFOP. The struggle is real.

Snobbery aside, this one is going on the Buy Again list.
