#tearaway items are usually bags n hivis n ties


Sense Memory

The narrow window before management cuts back the spring blooms is one of my favourite times.
But if I had to fight pokémon hiding in the tall grass to get to my train, I’d be significantly less pleased.

On a different note, here’s a more light-hearted separate sketchy scenario that didn’t really fit with the previous lot;

Apparently Elesa loves bad puns and that’s hilarious to me.

Yes, for real, my day job is driving passenger trains.
Choo Choo, Stop, Go, Open Doors, “Please move down inside the train” The whole shebang.
It’s a pretty good gig but scores high on the ‘monotony’ chart; same routes, same trains, 9 hours on the bounce, but yeah I do enjoy it :)

If you’re ever interested in the rail, no matter what country you’re in, there will be rail forums run by enthusiasts who’ll have all the info you could possibly want.
