#teou sheith zine preview

opaldelight: opaldelight: A little after star-rise, Shiro was just about to start checking the crate



A little after star-rise, Shiro was just about to start checking the craters when
something bright and vivid hurtled through the space above him. It tumbled down to his moon, landing past the crest of a nearby hill with a thump.

Alarmed, Shiro ran over the barren rock to check on whatever had fallen.
He stopped at the ridge of a shallow crater. The whatever-it-is had landed in the center, a warm glow against the colorless surface of the moon. It shifted, revealing dark hair and slender hands that moved over it gingerly.

“Ow,” came a small, pained voice. And then, “fuck.”

Shiro lost his breath on the next inhale.

A starchild, he realized, looking down in awe.

“Fuck,” the starchild said again, with much feeling.

My collab piece with @plstskys for the @vld-au-zinecollection [Sheith edition]! <3

It has been so awesome to be able to create art for this!! <3 The fic is so environmental and the interactions between Shiro and Keith are this amazing mix of lightheartedness and genuine emotion that made me close my laptop and go lie down by the end of it. 

Pre-orderers opened once again and will remain open until September 22nd so go ahead and grab your copy before they close! :)

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opaldelight: opaldelight: A preview of my piece for the @vld-au-zinecollection‘s Sheith zine <3Aa



A preview of my piece for the @vld-au-zinecollection‘s Sheith zine <3

Aaaaaah this is happening!! I’m so happy to be able to finally show off what I’ve been working on! :) Every single piece in the zine is amazing and well done, I am feeling lucky I got to work on this project with all the other awesome people!!

Preorders open June 16th!!

Preorders reopening until September 22nd!! Make sure to grab one until then! :))

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littlewhitetie: Preview of my piece for the @vld-au-zinecollection zine, This and Every Other Univer


Preview of my piece for the @vld-au-zinecollection zine, This and Every Other Universe: Sheith Edition! 

Updating this post since pre-orders are now open until Sept 22. It’s gonna be amazing. Check out the other previews! :) 

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courtneylej: HEY YALLIf you weren’t aware, there were some issues with this Zine’s pre-order so we h



If you weren’t aware, there were some issues with this Zine’s pre-order so we had to do refunds and re-open pre-orders! The good news is, we’re back up and running and there’s plenty of time to re-order!

Pre-order here!  

Also a big thanks to the mods who solved the problems and worked their hardest on this zine!! 

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morikvendi-d: morikvendi-d: Oh, I’m so late.  Preview for my piece for @vld-au-zinecollection: Sheit



Oh, I’m so late. 

Preview for my piece for @vld-au-zinecollection:Sheith Edition! 

College-AU, which I have long wanted to draw.

Pre-orders are open until July 14th.

Reblogging the preview for my piece for  @vld-au-zinecollection: Sheith Edition!

Pre-orders are again open until September 22nd!

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mondaijo: Reblogging once again the preview for my piece for @vld-au-zinecollection: Sheith Edition


Reblogging once again the preview for my piece for @vld-au-zinecollection: Sheith Edition cause p(re): orders are open until September 22nd!

[ Grab your copy here! ]

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I’m excited to show you this preview of my piece for the @vld-au-zinecollection: Sheith Edition!

Preorders are open NOW through September 22!!

the one about art student Shiro, life drawing model Keith, and old flames reunited in a fabulously awkward manner:

“I don’t remember you drawing,” Shiro comments.

Keith shrugs. “I draw a little.”


It begins to dawn on Shiro what’s happening here, and his suspicions are confirmed when Keith ducks into the little room that all the models use to change. Keith is…not here to draw.


Shiro works at reducing Keith to form and shadow, following the lines of his body in sixty-second stretches, but he gets hung up on the white starburst of a scar on Keith’s left hip—a memento of the first time he’d gone mountain biking with Shiro, when Shiro was still dreaming of asking him out.

shiro is a disaster but he tries very hard :,)

Preorders are open once more! <3

kiroujidraws: kiroujidraws: A preview of my zine piece, as well as a preview of the charm I created kiroujidraws: kiroujidraws: A preview of my zine piece, as well as a preview of the charm I created



A preview of my zine piece, as well as a preview of the charm I created for a Sheith Zine run by the @vld-au-zinecollection !! The zine looks beautiful, and everyone in it is so insanely talented. This is the last week to snag a copy, so definitely check it out if you haven’t already!! 

P(re)orders are now open!! If you weren’t able to snag a copy before, nows your chance to do so!

P(re)orders end September 22!

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okwtr: — an excerpt from stellarisfor @vld-au-zinecollectionTEOU – Sheith Edition pre-orders are bac


— an excerpt from stellaris


TEOU – Sheith Edition pre-orders are back up and running! ^  ^ my original preview is here. i have a warm, daydream-y piece about starchild keith and moonwalker shiro, illustrated by @opaldelight! please go check out the zine and support it if you can. all the creators involved are wonderful.

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pleasecomehome: pleasecomehome:Previews of my two pieces for the @vld-au-zinecollection Sheith editipleasecomehome: pleasecomehome:Previews of my two pieces for the @vld-au-zinecollection Sheith editipleasecomehome: pleasecomehome:Previews of my two pieces for the @vld-au-zinecollection Sheith editi



Previews of my two pieces for the @vld-au-zinecollection Sheith edition! This is my first ever zine and I had so much fun working on it, all the artist and writers did a great job


Available until September 22nd @ 11:59pm PST

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gee-lil-shit: gee-lil-shit: Preview of my piece for @vld-au-zinecollection sheith edition!A punk bgee-lil-shit: gee-lil-shit: Preview of my piece for @vld-au-zinecollection sheith edition!A punk b



Preview of my piece for @vld-au-zinecollection sheith edition!
A punk band AU I wanted to do for a while now uhuhh~

Check the zine peeps!! There are a lot of great artists and writers sooo keep an eye for the pre-orders❤⭐


GO get your copy ~~~

Available until September 22nd @ 11:59pm PST~~~

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