
teslapunkic | teslapunkgenderteslapunkic: a (xeno)gender related to the teslapunk aestheticteslapunkteslapunkic | teslapunkgenderteslapunkic: a (xeno)gender related to the teslapunk aestheticteslapunkteslapunkic | teslapunkgenderteslapunkic: a (xeno)gender related to the teslapunk aestheticteslapunk

teslapunkic | teslapunkgender

teslapunkic: a (xeno)gender related to the teslapunk aesthetic

teslapunkgender: a genregender/specfigender related to teslapunk; a gender related to the teslapunk genre in some way

for anon!

flag id: the left flag has 11 stripes. in order, they are light brown, brown, brown-black, dark silver, silver, bright sky blue, silver, dark silver, brown-black, brown, and light brown. the right flag has 6 stripes. in order, they are dark silver, silver, bright sky blue, light brown, brown, and brown-black. end id.

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