


  • This amulet is crafted from gold and copper, wrought in the shape of a pair of fiery wings in flight.
  • The metalwork surrounds a brilliant, teardrop-shaped ruby that glitters in the light of any open flame.
  • If a character wearing the amulet fails a death saving throw, the amulet gains 1 charge. Roll a d6. If the result is equal or less than the number of charges the amulet has, it crumbles into ash, and restores the wearer to their full HP.
  • When a character is restored to health this way, the amulet deals 2d6 fire damage to all creatures within 20 feet of the character (DC 14 Dexterity save for half damage).


  • When the explorers from the far-off land of Dallica traveled across the Sea of Cronus, their artificer-priests crafted special amulets to protect them, and invoked the ancient phoenix spirits that roamed their land so many years ago.
  • Over a thousand years later, many of these amulets were scattered across the Northern Kingdoms, mostly useful as archaeological curios for more scholarly nations such as Tammarand.
  • Only about one in fifty amulets still contains the power it once had, as many bound spirits have fled their artificial trappings in their thousand years of silence.

Image credit: aranwen.deviantart.com
