#tgamm interview

  • Will there be any human antagonists? ¨It’s a Spoiler¨
  • Andrea will be in Lucky Penny
  • Scratch butt joke started as a storyboard joke I believe by Alayna Cabral
  • All Night Plight episode builds up to the finale, but it’s basically a separate story
  • The ghosts’ ectoplasm colors don’t have any correlation to their death,  it’s about a balance of colors within the Ghost World.
  • The process behind coming up with the songs consists in The writing team thinking about where a good place for the song would be, the kinds of things it should cover story wise, the thematics and emotional intent, and then they discuss it with Rob Cantor, often suggesting possible genres of music.
  • The Mcgees had a dog pet in the concept show art, the creators never came up with a name for the dog but Bob, though, wanted to kill the dog and have it become a ghost.
  • Mayor Brunson’s sexual orientation is open to interpretation (in reference to some of his lines in Citizien Mcgee that he never married or had children)
  • We may learn how Scratch died in some future episode
  • The chairman communicates by using grunts and hisses.
  • The sobgoblins are a type of ghost, but different from the human derived ghosts. They are more like negative emotions that haunt us (like self-doubt)  that have become personified.
  • Andrea Davenport, like every character in the show, has her own journey
  • It’s impossible for a ghost to escape the Flow of Failed Phantoms on their own with enough willpower
  • Molly and Scratch are both a contrast and a complement of each other. But they are better together than they would be apart¨
  • The chairman shares some of those characteristics with the Grim Reaper
  • Scratch gets another solo song, but Bill Motz couldn’t remember how soon
  • Bill Motz love to have an art book from the series. They are looking into how Matt (Amphibia) and company have done theirs.
  • There wasn’t any intentional connection of Tgamm to Lilo and Stitch, but Bill can see where there are some similarities between them
  • Molly and Scratch are Bill Motz’s favorite characters
  • The story behind Andrea’s obsession with her name gag was that Bob has a friend for whom the Andrea name pronunciation was important.
  • Bill’s favourite episode is “Festival of Lights.” and some upcoming episodes.
  • The origin behind Scratch’s name will be answered in the show in the future
  • Scratch likes listening to jazz from the 40’s-70’s. Molly would probably consider that “chaos music.”
  • What happens when a ghost enters in the flow: ¨It’s not so much pain as a sense of loss… of everything that made them feel like “them"¨
  • The creators originally came up with the idea of the show 14 years ago.The relationship of Molly and Scratch is based on Bob and Bill (Bill being Molly and Bob being like Scratch)
  • There could be a Libby song takeover in the future
  • Originally Molly’s name was Piper, but there was another show in development at Disney with a lead character named Piper, so we changed it to Molly. Scratch’s name came from Bill ¨It struck me as being this subtle torment… and itch you just have to Scratch.¨
  • We will see some light touches of Libby’s Argentinian heritage. 
  • Ms. Lightfoot is Indigenous. She’s played by Julia Jones, who is Choctaw and Chickasaw.
  • Libby’s aspiration is to be a writer, she would like to write about turtles
  • There are going to be some romance plots
  • Matt Braly (Amphibia’s creator who is also Thai) helped with the Thai representation in Tgamm
  • Scratch really doesn’t remember how long he has been in the ghost world since he died
  • They had an idea about that the real expert ghosts don’t startle you at all. They’re the ones that wake you up at 3am to make you worry about work or school or family, etc. You never even realize you’re being haunted, you’re just miserable.
  • There are going to be half hour episodes in season 2
  • It takes about a year to make an episode of the show, from story idea to final mix and delivery. The Tgamm work on multiple episodes all at once.
  • Molly wearing a blue wig in ¨Scratch the surface¨ isn’t intended to be a reference to Chloe from Life is Strange, a character voiced by Ashly Burch
  • Andrea Father’s name is Maxwell
  • Molly’s disdain for maple syrup comes from the story editor Madison Bateman
  • Most of those quirky traits are direct lifts from the writing team. Madison hates syrup, Sammie Crowley hates close-up magic.
  • There is a design language created for the show, which means that there are frequently similar and unifying elements in the show that do not necessarily infer a story connection. (Similarities in design between Alister and Geoff doesn’t mean anything between them)
  • A number of people contributed to Scratch’s design, including John Loter, Alex Kirwan, and Lead Character Designer Justin Rodrigues
  • Molly had many friends in other cities before she had to leave, which is why leaving has always been so hard for her, why having a "forever friend” means so much to her.
  • The word enhappify came from the creators looking for an “ownable” word that would be uniquely Molly’s and tell you instantly her point of view on life.
  • The Ghost Council used to be human, in Chairman’s case: ¨If he was human, he’s a very ancient spirit who has transformed over time into the embodiment of misery.¨
  • We will find out at least part of that story of why Libby’s mother moved to Brighton
  •  The person that’s usually seen around Irving the Illusionist is called Rowdy Joe
  • We may learn more about Ghost lore in the future
  • The series will explore Molly’s hatred for street magic in the future

Google doc with the summary and questions asked:
