

hello just a gentle reminder that thaniel is GAY and HOMOSEXUAL and BRITISH

back at it again with redrawing a scene from this mf book

origami is too complicated i agree

Anndddd more Thaniel and Karl. Feat. some sketches of Waike.

Can you tell that I really love Thaniel yet? XD

I’ve also REALLY REALLY REALLY been intomthe mobile game Dragalia Lost. >w<)/

I love Thaniel so much. He’s my fav. And Karl! I love Vixel too. I love his eng voice. And Xander….is Xander. :/ I like to think he and Thaniel would not get along.

The second pic are designs I came up with for a summer Thaniel. Please Cygames. Give me what I want. ;;

The last pic is an artsy Thaniel inspired by the new Talesfes theme~


I’ve also REALLY REALLY REALLY been intomthe mobile game Dragalia Lost. >w<)/

I love Thaniel so much. He’s my fav. And Karl! I love Vixel too. I love his eng voice. And Xander….is Xander. :/ I like to think he and Thaniel would not get along.

The second pic are designs I came up with for a summer Thaniel. Please Cygames. Give me what I want. ;;

The last pic is an artsy Thaniel inspired by the new Talesfes theme~
