#thank you for saying exactly why ive been thinking








someone said theyre team dean and that he was the best boyfriend and id like to argue against that: why?

tw: abusive and toxic relationships

  • dean was controlling. wherever Rory went, he HAD to be aware of it- and got upset whenever rory forgot something
  • he got upset when she lost her bracelet - not her fault, by the way, but he was upset, and guilt tripped her into apologising when it WASNT HER FAULT.
  • he made her a MISTRESS. yes, it was also rorys fault, but holy shit. he had a wife, he knew that, and he lied to rory about breaking up with lindsay
  • he yelled at lindsay, saying that she didnt respect him at all when she stayed up for him and was worried when he came back late (while he was busy cheating on her)
  • he broke up with rory over her not saying “i love you” back. oh boy, THIS ONE. first of all, you may be in a relationship, but being upset because someone, someone who is NEW to relationships, by the way, wasn’t ready to say “i love you” back??? asshole. also, it was clear that rory DID have feelings for him, she just wasnt ready yet. instead of accepting that and waiting, he BROKE UP WITH HER. again, asshole.
  • jess mariano. granted, jess WAS trying to get together with dean, but during a-tisket a-tasket, the bidding festival on rory’s basket, dean got upset with RORY for agreeing to go for lunch with jess. oh no your girlfriend is having lunch with a guy, guess shes unfaithful :/ dean had no trust and only accepted it when rory listened to whatever he had to say. again, asshole.
  • i cant remember the name of the episode, but the one where jess, paris and rory had dinner together, having FUN and literature banter and all that good stuff! that stupid dean shows up and makes rory feel guilty about having a conversation with her friends??? she was terrified of him, and it was clear that dean was toxic and controlling.
  • there was a problem - lorelai constantly praised dean for being the best boyfriend a girl could have; sorry, but thats not true. but because rory valued her mothers opinion so much, she stayed with dean, despite his controlling behaviour.

okay that’s it! that was messy but i mean… i think im right lol anyway bye

  • Also that scene in season 1 finale when Dean drove to Rory’s school and saw Tristan holding her books and started yelling at her and guilt tripping her:

“I drive all the way out here and see you with him!”

Like nobody asked you to do that and you’re not even dating so stfu.

  • Rory was freaking out because she thought she was underqualified to get into Harvard which was her dream school and Dean knew but instead of being supportive he started yelling at her and guilting her for not having time for him, which made her feel even worse.
  • He started yelling at Rory when he found out that Tristan was in town and got mad when they were supposed to play Romeo and Juliet for a school project.
  • Rory was afraid to tell him small things because she knew he’d get mad. Like that Jess came over to drop off some food. Or that she lost his bracelet. Or that she and Tristan kissed while they were broken up (because HE dumped HER). The worst example of this is when she had to write him a letter that she got into a car crash because she was afraid to tell him because he’d get mad. Yes, you read right. When his girlfriend got into a car crash and broke her arm he didn’t care about her well-being at all. All he cared about was that another guy drove the precious car he built for her and crashed it.
  • He’d always break up with her completely out of the blue and 2/3 times in front of an audience.
  • He yelled at her at fucking funeral! Why? Because she wasn’t happy that he (her ex) got engaged to his new girlfriend.

That’s all I can think of right now, but I think that’s enough.

you are Big Brain! youre so right!! three times he broke up w her and each time i was like pls be the last time pls be the last time

when i first met Dean i thought: hes so sweet and perfect! essentially what lorelai thought, right? then the three month anniversary came and all of a sudden im like…. yikes……..

who wants to bet that if it was jess hed actually.. yknow… accept that and give her time?

ALSO FOR THE CAR CRASH!!!! ur girlfriend gets into a crash and he was MAD? omg sorry she got into a car accident it was totally her fault??? what an ass! and after reading the letter all he asks is “is he really gone?” MF??? UR GIRLFRIEND FRACTURED HER WRIST???? WHY R U FOCUSED ON THAT

dean was way too insecure. like, yeah, i am too, but i wouldn’t question my girlfriends loyalty, especially like the school project for romeo and juliet??? god hes so annoying fr fr

I mean I’m not saying Rory was perfect either she was clearly in love with Jess and there were times she even flirted with him right in front of Dean. I’ve seen some people defend Dean, saying:

“Of course he got jealous, who wouldn’t? He was totally right about Jess and Rory.”

Maybe but that doesn’t mean it was okay of him to yell at her like that. And remember he got jealous of Tristan too and Rory never expressed any interest in him. Instead of worrying that this asshole is clearly harrassing his girlfriend, he got mad at HER. That screams toxic.

Yes, Rory had fallen for Jess, and he was trying to get with her, BUT he didn’t expect or ask her to cheat on Dean with him. He wanted her to end an unhealthy relationship. He flirted with her, he wooed her, but he refused to be Rory’s side piece on MULTIPLE occasions (both with Dean and Logan), and insisted on breaking up with his girlfriend before doing anything with Rory after the whole dance-a-thon fiasco

Yes, I agree! I’ve seen Jess haters say that he was horrible because he pressured her to break up with Dean, but like… can you blame him? She was obviously flirting with Jess and even made out with him all the while having a boyfriend. Jess just basically said:

“Either you choose me or him right now or I’ll choose for you.”

At the Dance-A-Thon he had a chance to start making out with Rory right then but he didn’t do that because he didn’t want to be a cheater. He wanted to break up with his girlfriend first, even though they probably weren’t that serious.


Look I didnt have anything against dean the first few times I watched through it(I’ve watched the series far too many times to admit, it’s my easy background comfort show) but I quickly realized that dean was a fucking dick and he was toxic all of this is true like dean was supposed to be this sweet heart boy next door but he turned into this like jealous monster who was like well you’re mine so you cant hang out with anyone. Like some may be like he just loves her he was waiting around for her like a puppy and she was stringing him along. But I call Bull for all reasons listed above. I used to be a dean fan and look in the beginning I think he was a decent character but after their first break up? Nope that was it
