#thank you for the good food



What if.. we.. held hands in the rain?? Haha just kidding… unless?


I am SPEED I am ART my fingers are THE FASTEST

Guess who started another long fic? Yes it’s meeeeee

It’s…. *Drum roll* The arranged marriage Uriel/Honsou Au!!!!!

Thank you again infinitely to @ariszed for the inspirations and letting me yell about my stupid au. This fic is 100% for you.

Now excuse me, I gotta write…. Idk, something else :D



Here’s your gift for the @lasnevadas-giftexchange ! You asked for “Quackity + Glatt/Revived Schlatt with a funny banter or maybe some angsty fight”, and I live to serve.


The strip club lights are on, and Quackity can hear the music pounding from a block away. It’s fucking Wheezer of all things, because of course it is, because there’s a motherfucker in the strip club smoking Quackity’s cigarettes and drawing up a list of policies soon to be enstated. 

Quackity lets out a sigh through his nose and risks a glance up at the stars to see if they can provide any sympathy. No dice. They just wink down at him smugly, barely visible through the smog and the falling snow. Maybe he should invest in a coat one of these days. But he has a feeling that it would be stolen pretty quickly. 

Keep reading

I absolutely goddamn loved it
