#thank you for this qq



The art of recovering

Or; that time i wrote a ficlet to explain the trope Kissing for cover, and that time they had to keep kissing in a hayloft after :)

Hello loves!
Here comes a smol somft little thing that was written directly on discord and slapped directly here. (I’m so sorry Kuri…)
Please enjoy someJaskelsomftness, and if you like it, thank @firefly-party who keeps making me writing them xD <3

On Ao3 here

Joining Eskel for this mission had been a great idea until it wasn’t.

Usually it is Geralt he would run behind, skidding around corners as an angry mob or spouses or guards or werewolves or whatnots chases them.

This time it’s Eskel, and Jaskier has no idea why he thought that would go any better.

The alley is empty, devoid of hidingspaces, like, of fucking course it is. Behind them, their pursuer is closing in and Jaskier realizes he doesn’t have a choice.

Hiding in plain sight it is.

Keep reading
