#thank you little jiahnie

2021.11.02 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update:Originally, I was feeling a mess but thanks to little Ji 2021.11.02 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update:Originally, I was feeling a mess but thanks to little Ji 2021.11.02 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update:Originally, I was feeling a mess but thanks to little Ji 2021.11.02 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update:Originally, I was feeling a mess but thanks to little Ji

2021.11.02 Shinhwa’s Eric Instagram Update:

Originally, I was feeling a mess but thanks to little Ji Ahn, I’m energized. I’m going to go for a walk. For the little girl’s privacy, please delete the letter content I posted before #It’s uncle’s fault for not taking care and showing a little bit of your letter #Thanks for the present, Ji Ahnie

Words on the drawing:

  • We are Shinhwa
  • Shinhwa Super Fan
  • Kim Ji Ahn

It’s probably a thank you from the little girl who prayed to meet uncle Eric.. and Eric sent her an autographed “The Return” album with all 6 members’ signatures and his “Eric In Hong Kong” photobook.The post is >> HERE<< Thanks for the post. It helps boosting the fandom’s morale after what happened on Sunday.

Comments and Replies:

: A 21 years old who was born in 2001, I should also call you ahjussi, rightㅋㅋ?? Eric ahjussi
ERIC: I’m over 40 years old. If he’s your dad’s friend, he’s not your oppa.
: I’ve never received a reply from a celebrity. Ahjussi, I became a fan when I was in 7th grade after watching Discovery of Love….ㅋㅋ I enjoyed watching The Spies Who Loved Me as well.. I’ll be waiting for your next work, celebrity ahjussi ❤️‍

: Why are you feeling like a mess?? I want to be a kumquat that cheers Eric up. I’m too old to do that…(sigh)
ERIC: You must not die here.

: wah wah oppa, I’m a baby fan. Please say I’m cute.
(T/N: 응애 is an onomatopoeia (sound word) for baby’s crying sound)
ERIC: Kawaii (means cute)
(T/N: 카와이 = Kawaii, a Japanese pop-culture word for cute / adorable in Hangul)
: Oppa, I’m Korean, please speak Korean for me.
ERIC: In Korean, please is “jebal”
(T/N: Eric teased back as OP wrote the English word “please” (플리즈) in Hangul instead of “jebal” (제발)
: ^^Aigoo it’s really hard to hear that I’m cute. I should work harder.^^ I have to shout “Hooray” and cheer up. SHINHWA, hooray! Eric, hooray! Shinchang, hooray!
: Oh my! Oppa is so cute. There’s a typo. I’ll fix it for you. Gwi.yeop.da
(T/N: “You have no ears” (gwieop da) sounds similar to “you are cute" (gwiyeop da)

Two more comments that couldn’t fit in the photos

: Please hit me once.
ERIC: I don’t want to

: Ah I still want to be a child to you. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It’s just that I’m a bit old……
ERIC: If you’re younger than me, you are all children

Translation: EricMun.tumblr + 6rytalis for the caption and words on the drawing

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