#thank you op i love you opmuacks



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it’s quiet in the car, and suna drives tensely, side eyeing you as you sit with your arms crossed. it’s evident you don’t want to be in the car with him, but even like this, he’s glad he gets to spend a little extra time with you alone.

“so…” he starts, and immediately, you cut him off, shutting him down firmly.


suna purses his lips and sighs, eyes on the road as he continues to drive to your home, and you sit there fuming. you’ve been tricked. fooled. taken advantage of by your own friend as she goes home with some guy she meets. if she can’t drive you home from the party, it just has to be suna, and you wonder why the world is punishing you so cruelly this way.

“you know, i’m a pretty cool guy,” suna insists, turning to you with a raised brow when the car stops at a red light. “you should consider being a little nicer—”

“you’re lame and annoying,” you counter, and he scowls, scoffing that you have it in you to be so bold with himinhis car as he drives you home.

“am not,” he bickers back. and the light is green now, but neither of you notice as you stare each other down.

you hate suna rintaro. you hate him so fiercely, you don’t think you’ll ever feel this passionately about anything else in your life. suna annoys you in every way possible. he acts like he doesn’t care, he slacks off in everything he does, he always rolls his eyes like he knows better, and he even stands around like he owns the place. and you hate him.

you also hate that he stood you up on a date he asked you on himself, but that’s besides the point.

“are too,” you huff childishly.

“look, if this is about that date a few months ago, i told you i mixed up the dates and—”

“it’s about how little you care about things,” you interrupt, and there’s a slight quiver in your voice as you speak. it makes suna’s heart drop, and he feels his stomach twist painfully.

suna rintaro has been in love with you since grade school. he thinks it’s a miracle you ever said yes to him in the first place, and if there’s one thing in his life, one thing at all that he’d do differently, it’s not mixing up the day of your date. he thinks maybe by now you could’ve been a happy little couple with stupidly annoying instagram pictures and obnoxiously ridiculous voicemails and whatever else couples do together. but suna always messes things up, and he wishes he wasn’t always doing things wrong no matter how hard he tries.

his face drops, and he reaches out, opening his mouth to speak.


and before he can continue, there’s a loud honking sound behind you that makes you both flinch, someone beeping their horn for him to go on the green light he’s been sitting on for the last two minutes.

suna curses under his breath, pressing the gas pedal and driving off, frowning when you angle your body away from him to face the window.

“you will never change,” you mutter, “i realized that a long time ago.” and it’s cruel really, you’ve spent all this time convincing yourself you’re over suna, but all that’s led you to is falling for him even deeper—and maybe that makes the hatred fester up even more.

“hey, that’s not fair,” he grumbles. “i’m a responsible adult, it was one slip up.”

“did you make your bed this morning?”

“okay, that’s not relevant to adulthood—”

“is your sink empty of dirty dishes?”

“i didn’t get a chance yet to wash—”

“when was the last time you checked your mailbox?”

“who even reads mail these days—”

“face it suna,” you scoff. “you’re hopeless.” and suddenly, the car pulls over, and you turn to him with furrowed brows as he parks the car and faces you, determination settling in his eyes as he throws a glare at your direction.

“well, why are you still so upset over a missed date if you’re not obsessed with me?” he challenges, making you stare at him in disbelief as your mouth hangs open. and now you’re furious—how dare he insinuate something so ridiculous (even though it’s technically kind of true), and how dare he belittle your feelings (even though he technically didn’t, but his tone totally seemed like it).

what?” you hiss, and he crosses his arms, raising a brow.

“you heard me,” he snaps back, and you should honestly strangle him—and in all realness, if you killed him right here in the middle of the street and left, no one would know it was you, but he smirks, and you lose your sanity just a little more at his hand. “you’re so obsessed with me,” he grins.

“no i am not,” you flare your nostrils, and he snickers, poking your cheek with a cocky smile on his face. you hate how attractive it is.

“i’m obsessed with you too,” he shrugs, as though it’s completely normal. “i’m not quitting until you finally agree on a redo of our date,” he adds, and you scoff.


“too bad. not moving this car until you do,” he shrugs.

suna rintaro,” you say firmly, and he has the audacity to recline his seat back and throw his arms behind his head as he lays down.

“that’s my name,” he says casually.

and this is precisely why you can’t stand him. he never takes anything seriously, and he never puts in an effort to try, and he never cares. you don’t think he ever will.

“i want to go home—”

“youcould,” he starts, “if you agree on a redo date.”

“no,” you huff.

“now you’re just being stubborn,” he scoffs, pouting lightly. you resist the urge to poke his bottom lip with your finger. “what’s the worst that could happen?”

“you stand me up again,” you deadpan, and suna rolls his eyes.

“i’m sorry, okay? it really was an accident, and i didn’t mean it. i really did get the dates confused,” he argues, and there’s a small part of you that tells yourself maybe you’re overreacting. people make mistakes, and you’re certainly not perfect, but this is suna rintaro.

he’s got his little set of fans, he’s got his promising career, and he’s got no reason to be interested in you. you shouldn’t think this way, but maybe he forgot because you really are just that forgettable.

“you wouldn’t have forgotten if you actually cared,” you pout, and he clicks his teeth, reaching over and grabbing your face, pulling your closer. you can feel his breath fan over your lips as he speaks, smelling the minty scent of his gum.

“if i didn’t care, why would i be pining over someone as stubborn as you,” he grunts. “you are really something else,” he mutters, and you give him a dirty look, features scrunching into an offended expression.

“this is not myfault—”

“well, if you’d just listened for a moment—”

“idon’t owe you to listen—”

“you are sodifficult—”

don’t talk to me—” and you’re cut off by a kiss, and you’d be stunned by the nerve of the man sitting before you if you weren’t so distracted by the heat of his lips and the way his thumb makes your skin light up as he rubs your cheek softly. you should pull away, but you only mold your lips against his and lean in closer, deepening the kiss like your life depends on it.

“knew you were obsessed with me,” he snickers as you both pull away, pouting when you shove at his shoulder harshly.

“you can’t just kiss people out of nowhere, asshole,” you hiss, lips slightly swollen and cheeks feeling hot as you look away. he smirks, pinching your cheek, and you smack his hand away.

“well, we’re both here right now,” he shrugs, “and we already kissed, so we might as well redo the date now.” you try to ignore the way your heart leaps in your chest at the idea.

“fine,” you cave. “but if it sucks, you gotta quit bothering me,” you warn, and a large, giddy little grin spreads across his face, and you almost wish he’d kiss you again as you drink in the sight.

“oh, trust me,” he winks, “it definitely won’t suck.”
