#thank you so much

meiaushzz: @ajelo-draws ‘s OC Selkheymu! Small present for friend’s birthday. :3 I liked it so much,


@ajelo-draws ‘s OC Selkheymu!

Small present for friend’s birthday. :3

I liked it so much, that decided to post it even here.


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Getting ready for this years’ fandom event Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb, so I’ve lined upGetting ready for this years’ fandom event Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb, so I’ve lined upGetting ready for this years’ fandom event Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb, so I’ve lined upGetting ready for this years’ fandom event Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb, so I’ve lined upGetting ready for this years’ fandom event Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb, so I’ve lined upGetting ready for this years’ fandom event Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb, so I’ve lined up

Getting ready for this years’ fandom event Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb, so I’ve lined up my prompts with the finished art from previous years. I loved participating, and can highly recommend!

The stories from the authors picking up the prompts: Learning to make fire,Horseplay,Over Streams, Under Stars,So the Spinners SayA new country,Sufficient Sun, Steadfast Sky, and the unexpected treat Meeting at the Sea

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Find Me || KNJ


-> Picture Source -Pinterest


Find Me [Namjoon x Reader]


Genre - Bad Days; Boyfriend Drabble

Summary - Bad days come and go, but today you had reached your limit. You’re not sure how to navigate through your low, until your boyfriend steps in to remind you you’re not alone.

Warning - Self-loathing; Depression (OC); Anxiety; Negative Thoughts;

Word Count - 1.2k


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my cheeks are growing tired.

summary: jimin knows what the quiet means for you.

pairing:park jimin x reader
genre:light angst, comfort-fluff
word count: 1.1k
tags/warnings:eludes to mental distress, emotional, crying, a lot of comfort

a/n:ok i know i said i wasn’t posting right now but i just wrote this [slightly edited] and wanted to share in case anyone else needs some comfort~

He knew as soon as he got home that it was going to be a quiet night. Jimin knew when you took an hour to respond to his text about dinner, answering with a “whatever you feel like having is fine,” and a single emoji. He knew that emoji was meant to be cute and to deter him from the fact that you weren’t in a texting mood.

Or a talking mood.

And definitely not in any kind of mood to get on facetime during his short break between practice.

He could focus on his work when this happened. When the best medicine for you was silence for the time being until he got home. But it didn’t stop the whispered sighs that slipped out of him throughout the rest of the day. Or the way one of the members had to repeat his name a second time before he realized they were talking to him because for a second he got lost in the thought of you. What are you doing right now? Were you taking breaks between working? Had you eaten lunch and had some water?

He couldn’t stop himself from texting you when he thought about you possibly crying alone. He hated that thought the most.

[7:15 PM] from Jimin: hello my baby [: i’ll be home early tonight

You didn’t answer and he expected that too.

Keep reading


BTS Reactions: Obvious Signs if They Were in a New Relationship

member x reader

genre: fluff, not quite crack just a little silly

warnings: very very brief suggestive mention

premise: If a member were not yet ready to tell the rest of the group about a new relationship they were in, what would be the most obvious signs / what would give them away?


Namjoon:Since meeting you, Namjoon’s change in his everyday behavior was anything but subtle. Sure, the process of becoming friends and starting your relationship was discreet enough, but once he was truly smitten? There was no way the two of you would be under the radar for long. He took to writing you letters, ever an intellectual and a romantic at once. He took great care in writing them, pondering what to say for a long while before he finally wrote them out on paper in fancy script. He even found handmade specialty paper with flowers pressed into it and sealed the envelope with wax. He went seriously all out for the full effect. Namjoon made sure to do this in his studio to avoid arousing suspicion among the boys, but of course there were numerous occasions when one of the members walked in on his letter crafting process. As if the actual activity wasn’t strange enough, he became extremely jumpy and paranoid whenever that happened, bringing more attention to his behavior rather than less. Aside from the letters, the members couldn’t help but notice how much more often their leader was texting, not to mention the glaringly obvious heart eyes he stared at the screen with. Seeing him panic in fear of being found out was so amusing to the boys that even when they’d figured out what was going on, they continued to pretend to be clueless. They knew for weeks before Namjoon ever realized that they’d figured it all out, at which point he felt a little embarrassed about being unaware for so long. The bad news was that the other members would tease him about his new relationship, but the good news was that he could finally stop being so jumpy in fear of revealing his secret.

Jin: You were having an extremely rough week at work. Long hours and a particularly critical boss had left you exhausted and deeply discouraged. You hardly had time to stop to breathe, let alone any time to hang out with your boyfriend. Your distress didn’t sit well with Jin, so he immediately started thinking about ways he could help cheer you up even though you couldn’t spend time together at the moment. He settled on the idea of making you some of your favorite foods and dropping them off for you. It would give him peace of mind that you were eating well and, if he was lucky, put a smile on your face. Thus Jin was spending a lot of time in the kitchen, which was not in itself unusual, but the foods he was making struck the members as very odd, especially in combination with each other. He’d decided to make enchiladas, mashed potatoes, sushi, macaroni and cheese, and matcha cheesecake. This combo already had the members thinking Jin had lost his mind, but what was equally strange was that he refused to let them have any of the food whatsoever. They were used to him cooking for them for the most part, so his adamance that they not touch this food was odd to say the least. Jin’s plan was effective, though, and when he dropped off the food for you, you nearly cried at how sweet he was. You didn’t know what you’d done to deserve such a lovely man, but you were grateful. He was so attentive to you even when you were apart, and the two of you texted one another  nearly constantly. Of course, this meant Jin was on his phone all the time, which was kind of out of character for him unless he was clearly playing a game or something. It earned him strange looks from the members when they saw him typing long paragraphs. Such constant communication inevitably led to a slip-up. Jin had been going back and forth between messaging the boys’ group chat and texting you. You were raving about the cheesecake he’d made you, making him smile to himself as he replied. “ah I’m so glad you like it jagi, which is your favorite between that and the strawberry one I made a few weeks back?” Except he didn’t send it to you as he’d meant to do. He sent it to the group chat. It immediately exploded with the boys asking questions and generally freaking out. At that point, he really had no choice but to tell them both what happened with the text and about your relationship in general. He explained that the idea was to keep things low-key since you hadn’t been together very long yet, and then to introduce you to everybody later on. Jin’s texting flub just meant that you met the rest of the group earlier than expected, but as Jin knew they would, they adored you anyway.

Yoongi: Yoongi would have most likely the easiest time keeping your relationship under the radar, at least compared to the other members. He was already the most solitary and enigmatic of the group, which meant that his absence was less noticeable in certain circumstances. He had always spent a lot of time alone in his studio, and that was something everyone had come to expect from him. The noticeably unusual changes started when he began to stay at his own apartment instead of the dorms more often and do a greater percentage of his work from his home studio rather than actually in the Genius Lab. At this, the members teased him for getting old, joking that the old man couldn’t as easily just sleep in his studio anymore. Yoongi just took the teasing, letting them think what they wanted. This way, though, the two of you got to spend a lot more time together. Just to be safe and prevent anyone overhearing anything, however, he changed the code to the Genius Lab so no one could burst in and see or hear anything he didn’t want them to. You did occasionally visit him there, especially when he was working there late at night and you brought him food to make sure he’d eat. You were unlikely to be seen since it was the wee hours of the morning. What initially made the members realize something was up was when they finally noticed that the Genius Lab code had changed, although it took weeks after he changed it for them to catch on. Yoongi didn’t give a reason, just dismissing their questions. From then on, though, they paid more attention. While the routine the pair of you had figured out while at home worked well enough, Yoongi’s changed behavior only became particularly noticeable when the boys had to go out of town for a few days to film an MV. You were texting back and forth quite a lot, more than Yoongi would normally be on his phone. Him sneaking away from time to time to call you was especially unusual. You weren’t a codependent couple by any means, actually perfectly fine being more independent of each other most of the time, but during this trip was different. You’d gotten sick just before Yoongi had to leave for the trip and he hated leaving you alone knowing you were unwell. As a result, he was checking in quite a lot to soothe his own worries. It was this concern for your wellbeing in his absence that got you guys caught in the end. When going to let him know that break time was over, a couple of the members heard part of his phone conversation, and phrases like “hate that I’m not there to take care of you” and “get some rest, please, and we’ll talk later" and especially “I love you” were too difficult to explain away, so Yoongi ended up just coming clean to the boys, who were annoyingly ecstatic, just as he’d expected.

Hoseok: The boys were confused when Hoseok started going home to visit his family almost every weekend, whenever possible. Though he was close with his family, he usually didn’t see them in person very often. At first the members were worried that something was wrong, but Hobi assured them that wasn’t the case. They believed him, seeing as he was in a good mood lately, definitely not stressed like he would be if someone in his family were unwell. That still left the mystery unsolved, however, so they were a tad suspicious. What was truly jarring was when Hobi, the notoriously strict dance leader, became significantly more easygoing during practices. Small mistakes that he’d normally nitpick at were treated more casually than they otherwise would have been. It seemed nothing could ruin his happy, relaxed mood. It was so out of character, though, that rather than being pleased that he was going easy on them, the boys were just disturbed by the sudden change. This went on for a while before they finally confronted Hoseok about the situation. The family excuse was especially unlikely considering his sister was now married in addition to running a very successful business, unless he’d only been visiting his parents, but that explanation was disproved completely once the members realized that Hobi hadn’t turned off location sharing. This revealed that he wasn’t in Gwangju with his parents at all, just in another area of Seoul. Once that truth came to light, Hoseok had little choice but to confess what he’d been hiding. This, however, became infinitely more embarrassing when they made the connection that, in Jungkook’s words, “So hyung has been freakishly nice in practice because he’s getting some,” much to Hobi’s mortification. Leave it to JK to find the most embarrassing angle possible of a situation. Yeah, he was never gonna live that down.

Jimin: Jimin had always been one to overwork himself, staying to practice long after everyone else had gone home. His perfectionism required it, not that it was the best thing for his body. The boys knew his habits of extra solo practice well and had become used to it over the many years the group had been together. He should have known they would notice when his practice overtime began to decrease. It went from a nearly daily occurrence to happening maybe once or twice a week. Jimin had seemed to be in a good mood lately, so they’d originally thought perhaps he was just falling into his destructive self-critical patterns less often, but his cheerfulness proved this was more of a routine change than that alone would explain. It’s not that anyone was concerned that Jimin wasn’t putting enough effort in. He was still performing as well as ever. It was more that such a change was highly suspicious to the other members and they wondered what had caused it. They immediately noticed how much Jimin was paying attention to texting, doing so much more often and staring at his phone with heart eyes all the time. He couldn’t help his feelings showing so clearly on his face. Even beyond that, he would sometimes go off on his own during breaks in the day, spending a lunch break from practice talking to you on the phone rather than just staying with the other guys. You were in no way a problematic distraction, but the changes in Jimin’s behavior were enough for the rest of the members to wonder what was going on. The explanation finally became clear one day when several of the boys overheard part of Jimin’s phone conversation, and the sweet way he spoke to you was a dead giveaway. Of course, the others teased him relentlessly, but ultimately were very happy for him. It wasn’t long before they were demanding to meet the magical creature that was able to break Jimin out of his perfectionistic tendencies.

Taehyung: Despite not meaning to, Taehyung gave numerous clues that something was up, even as you’d decided to keep your relationship between the two of you for the time being. He already had a tendency to zone out, but now he seemed to float around, distracted, with a dreamy look on his face. He also seemed especially inspired, so much so that it was like having the Parisian art student version of Tae all the time. You know, the one that screams “romantic artsy boy”. He was also glued to his phone even more than usual, seeming to be constantly texting and even sometimes going off on his own to make a phone call, whereas he usually hated talking on the phone. What really grabbed the members’ attention, though, was when Taehyung started posting a bunch of dog photos to Instagram. The occasional Tannie pic alone was to be expected, but this was a different situation. Your own dog and Yeontan got along exceptionally well, becoming almost instant buddies, so you spent a lot of time hanging out, just the four of you. Unable to resist the cuteness, Tae often took photos of the dogs playing together or cuddling, and those were the ones he was posting so much. When the members asked who the other dog was, however, Taehyung acted kind of weird and evasive, saying it was a neighbor’s dog but trying a little too hard to avoid elaborating. The mystery wasn’t solved until one day, Jungkook left his phone at Tae’s apartment. He didn’t realize he’d done so until the next day, when you were over to spend time with your boyfriend and the dogs. It was still morning and Tae had just gotten in the shower while you debated what to make for breakfast. Jungkook had tried to call and text Taehyung from Jimin’s phone to let him know he was coming, but he didn’t end up seeing it. Imagine JK’s surprise when he knocks on Tae’s door, only to have you, Tannie, and the mystery dog (your dog) answer it. You were a little panicked, not expecting this turn of events, so you let Jungkook inside and ran to the bathroom to tell Taehyung that his group-mate had shown up. Equally startled, he finished his shower as quickly as possible and got dressed. You ended up trapped in a long conversation before JK would finally take his phone and leave. The other boys found out soon after that.

Jungkook: When Jungkook started spending a lot more of his free time away from his room, his hyungs definitely took notice. It was extremely out of character compared to the maknae’s hermit-like tendencies. They immediately knew he was hiding something, considering how blushy and shy he got when asked about it. He tried to excuse it away by saying he was hanging out with his 97-liner friends, which the other members didn’t buy for a second. That lie was exposed shortly after anyway, when it became apparent that the friends he’d claimed to be with had actually been elsewhere, a tidbit they could thank the media for inadvertently revealing by publicizing the projects the friends had clearly been working on. One night Jin was able to guilt Jungkook into staying home for a “family night” with the rest of the group, claiming it had been too long since they’d done something fun together outside of work. This led to playing video games together, something they had long enjoyed. Jungkook was feeling relaxed and carefree, not even thinking about the secret he was keeping, so it didn’t even occur to him that he could be exposed in this environment. He failed to remember that he had played this same game with you just days before, so when the record top scores showed on the screen, he hadn’t even considered the possibility that your name would be displayed there in bold text. The hyungs were in an uproar, asking tons of questions and talking over each other. Jungkook kind of wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out, embarrassed that he’d just been totally busted and knowing the other members would never leave him alone about it.

bowldeepfannish:Ta-da! Our Senshi Shitennou Bang @ssminibang mods are the loveliest. Hence they get


Ta-da! Our Senshi Shitennou Bang @ssminibang mods are the loveliest. Hence they get gifts from their grateful minions ^3^

Suggested by @venuscrescent (bless thee lovely!), a fanart for MinakosAino’s Venus/Kunzite Silver Millennium oneshot The Night Of Sevens, with a touch of mythology remix and (artistically licensy not too messy ) dribbling down of pomegranate juice XD.

Art and fic are linked at AO3 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/29102457 

Dear MinakosAino/Flor aka  @leondaltons ( a rose by any other name… ;p ) muchas gracias for steering our ship(s) year after year and securing a lively yet comfortable journey and safe yet naughty haven in the wide and occasionally tumultuous Sailor Moon fandom seas!

Art tweethere

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ariastory-project: ariastory-project:This is a little gift for the other devs (*´▽`*)Their hard woariastory-project: ariastory-project:This is a little gift for the other devs (*´▽`*)Their hard wo



This is a little gift for the other devs (*´▽`*)
Their hard work motivated me to keep working hard with Aria’s Story!

I wish you the best with your projects!
Sorry, I couldn’t include all of the projects ;;

In order:


Please, check out their blogs!!!

I added more!! Hope you like it ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


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Hello guys, does anyone miss me? ^^

Sorry, I didn’t post anything new lately, please do know that I’m not leaving Tumblr or MM fandom, I always do my best on my fanart and comic. Might you have a few minutes to read this?

The thing is my parent borrowed thousands of dollars from the bank without my knowledge, now I’m working overtime til 11pm hoping would get the extra money… I’m so stressed out and desperate… I nearly hung myself few weeks ago… God, if we are unable to repay the loans until the end of the year, whatever happen to us, I’m sure it doesn’t seem good at all…

This is why I barely draw or post stuff. Oh, by the way, I created Ko-fiaccount, just a little supportwouldhelp me a lot, I’d appreciate very much and would always be grateful if you can make a donation, if you can’t, it would be nice if you could at least reblog/share this so it gets to more people. And if you donate over 20$, you can requestme illustrationor4koma comic.

Thank you for reading! ❤


DAIGPixivTwitterTapastic Buy me a Coffee

Hello guys, does anyone miss me? ^^

Sorry, I didn’t post anything new lately, please do know that I’m not leaving Tumblr or MM fandom, I always do my best on my fanart and comic. Might you have a few minutes to read this?

The thing is my parent borrowed thousands of dollars from the bank without my knowledge, now I’m working overtime til 11pm hoping would get the extra money… I’m so stressed out and desperate… I nearly hung myself few weeks ago… God, if we are unable to repay the loans until the end of the year, whatever happen to us, I’m sure it doesn’t seem good at all…

This is why I barely draw or post stuff. Oh, by the way, I created Ko-fiaccount, just a little supportwouldhelp me a lot, I’d appreciate very much and would always be grateful if you can make a donation, if you can’t, it would be nice if you could at least reblog/share this so it gets to more people. And if you donate over 20$, you can requestme illustrationor4koma comic.

Thank you for reading! ❤


DAIGPixivTwitterTapastic Buy me a Coffee


I made this hand drawn animation of your little guy in February for fun/practice, and I think it turned out nice. I was…

OH MA GAWWWW +/0/+)!!!

This is amazing!! I love it!! He’s so cute!! He’s so expressive and lively and cartoony looking aaaaaa This is really great!! Can’t express how much I love this! =/0/=)

Also sorry that the submission description cut off when submitting it, I saw what you posted and sorry that I hadn’t responded to your previous messages, and thank you for the birthday wishes too! Thank You!!



+/O/+)!!! aaaaa OMG!! I cant believe someone remembered her bday! Wow!! She’s so happy and smiling on her bday!! ,= w =,)c

Glad Anthony is there too celebrating w her!! Hehe I love your artstyle and drawings, bud, they both are super duper adorbs!! Thank you so much!! ^w^)

skimblyshanks: me: I should get back to my TOOTC aume: I’ll start by drawing an ocDejinti belongs to


me: I should get back to my TOOTC au

me: I’ll start by drawing an oc

Dejinti belongs to @bullseyegames


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@visit-ba-sing-se here u go

yue :D

[Image ID:

A digital drawing of Yue from Avatar the last airbender from the shoulders up. She is smiling gently and looking to the right. The background is blue with start doodles.

End ID.]


Having a bit of an art block, so onley doodles this time:/

Wrangler belongs to @hero4good and nyx belongs to @bantamblip

If you want your oc doodled too, leave a comment or send me a message:)


@starker-sorbetfor the @starkerfestivalsSpring Fever Exchange!

The prompt was “New parents Tony and Peter going on a date, with Avengers babysitting the kid. Maybe come home to chaos.”

Oh my god i love it THANK YOU so much

2000+ Followers give away is here!!! *^* I’ll be choosing three individual winners to receive a priz2000+ Followers give away is here!!! *^* I’ll be choosing three individual winners to receive a priz

2000+ Followers give away is here!!! *^*

 I’ll be choosing three individual winners to receive a prize on 08/08/19, and you’ll have two days to reply to my ask or I’ll go for another winner, so be sure your inbox is open!

The prizes:

  1. Full color bust.
  2. Flat grey-scale portrait.
  3. Detailed close-up sketch (comic-like, black and white).


  1. Feel free to reblog as many times as you want, each reblog is an entry.
  2. Youdon’t have to be following me. Just reblog is fine too.
  3. No giveaway blogs.
  4. Entries close at 08/08/19 at 23:59 (GMT+1) Madrid time.

WILL draw:

  • Original characters (the more visual references, the better).
  • Canon characters of any fandom or series.
  • Animals.
  • Moderate NSFW (but not with animals, obviously).

WON’T draw:

  • Anything that implies homophobic/misogynistic/misandric/racist/violent references.
  • Mechas.
  • Furries.
  • Backgrounds.

Good luck to everyone! Kisses and kittens! *^*

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I created this blog after a long hiatus from both art and fandom because I accidentally stumbled upo

I created this blog after a long hiatus from both art and fandom because I accidentally stumbled upon some Miraculous Ladybug fanworks and subsequently dove down a rabbit hole (part of which involved reading all of buggachat’s Bakery AU in one sitting because of course.) I saw so much cute fanart and so many funny memes for this show I love, and it inspired me to make and share some things too, that I hoped other people might find and enjoy.

Two weeks later UM GOSH I’m completely blown away by all of you and by the responses to the art I’ve posted so far. You all are too kind and also hilarious HAHA. Thanks for being here!!

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