#thank you so much




apparently i gotta paint quinto spock every 3 years

2021 - 2018 - 2015

[DESCRIPTION: There are 3 digitally painted art images of Zachary Quinto portraying Spock which date back from 2015, 2018, and 2021. The top picture is of Spock at a side profile with a purple and blue cloud background along with a glowing crescent moon behind the right side of Spock’s head. The bottom left picture is Spock facing forward with a white background with red coloring highlights. The bottom right picture is of Spock but he’s rendered in black and white.]

@havvki-writes’s Mothership, aboard which you can find all their WIP’s and soon, their shop.


Light and What Lies Below (An Ocean Fable)

LAWLB – a wip intro

“My faith is with you,” she says. “If anyone can strike this deal, it is you. You have a cutting tongue.”

Genre -> Fantasy, Greek Myth Retelling

POV -> Third Person Limited

Themes -> Death, Justice and Judgement, Loneliness, Darkness and Light.

Vibes -> a handful of soft sand filtering through a loose fist, the gurgle of a nearby river, smooth black stones under bare feet, the peace and unease of utter silence, long shadows in an empty castle hall, old and cracked stone stairs leading to the uninhabitable, a white river glowing in the distance, white-blue flames and the scent of fresh ink lingering in the air.

Status -> First Draft

Blurb -> Calypso proposes a deal to Hades, offers to repurpose some of her domain in exchange for a lessening of his workload, some souls due never to touch the land of the dead.

Tags to Follow -> wip light and what lies below, wip lawlb, ocean fable

(Synopsis under cut as to not clog up anyone’s dash)

Keep reading

This has similar vibes to Circe by Madeline Miller (literally one of my favorite books of all time) - I really like it

Thank you everyone!

Responses for the “advice you’d give your past self” forms are now closed. To everyone who responded, thank you so much for your help it really makes such a difference :D

If you didn’t get a chance to respond and/or did but want to help more, be on the lookout soon for the peer-editor call and beta-read call, as that will be a chance to offer feedback on the drafts of the guide (and get a chance to read it before it’s officially out!)

commission for @everythingbaku !! i really enjoyed drawing your OC oh, and happy pride month! ️‍[ co

commission for @everythingbaku !! i really enjoyed drawing your OC 

oh, and happy pride month! ️‍

[commission info !]

Post link

With everything going on in my life rn I completely missed my one year anniversary of The Return Of An Empress which was my very first post on my blog :’) Quite literally the start of this entire thing

SO, I just want to take this time to thank each and every single one of you, those who were here from the beginning to those who are new, regardless of when you came to find me and my story I appreciate and love you just the same

Sometimes it feels weird having people anticipate my stories cause over a year ago they were all just in my head. But now I’m sharing it with over a thousand people… That’s both terrifying and exciting at the same time haha

Thank you all so much for being so kind to me throughout it all, even when my updates aren’t as consistent as before… I apologize for that but I hope you forgive me when I do eventually have time to write and post them!

I hope we continue being friends for many years to come :)

Love you always, Liz


Remember the wonderful and talented Actress Dame Judith Anderson.


Wonderful, thank you :-)
