#ocean fable



Light and What Lies Below (An Ocean Fable)

LAWLB – a wip intro

“My faith is with you,” she says. “If anyone can strike this deal, it is you. You have a cutting tongue.”

Genre -> Fantasy, Greek Myth Retelling

POV -> Third Person Limited

Themes -> Death, Justice and Judgement, Loneliness, Darkness and Light.

Vibes -> a handful of soft sand filtering through a loose fist, the gurgle of a nearby river, smooth black stones under bare feet, the peace and unease of utter silence, long shadows in an empty castle hall, old and cracked stone stairs leading to the uninhabitable, a white river glowing in the distance, white-blue flames and the scent of fresh ink lingering in the air.

Status -> First Draft

Blurb -> Calypso proposes a deal to Hades, offers to repurpose some of her domain in exchange for a lessening of his workload, some souls due never to touch the land of the dead.

Tags to Follow -> wip light and what lies below, wip lawlb, ocean fable

(Synopsis under cut as to not clog up anyone’s dash)

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This has similar vibes to Circe by Madeline Miller (literally one of my favorite books of all time) - I really like it


Maidens and Monsters

[ID: Gray clouds over a swell of rough waves. Text is in the top left and bottom right corners. The top text is a gradient from dark to light blue and says ‘Maidens &’. The bottom text is light blue and says ‘Monsters’. End ID]

– a wip intro

“You’re going to be trouble one day,” she warns, stepping out of the tide.

Genre -> Greek Myth Retelling, Tragedy, Romance

POV -> Third Person

Themes -> Opposites, Duality, Fate, Pride and Downfall, Beauty, Love (is a feeling incapable of miracles).

Vibes -> a forgotten book of fairytales, reflection of a sunrise on open water, long shadows at dusk, the peace that only exists before a catastrophe, whispered forbidden confessions and the way palms linger on a lover’s hips.

Status -> First Draft/Planning

Blurb -> It is common for women divinely beautiful to be born and it is common for them to face horrid fates. It is not common for a goddess to stand witness to a nymph’s fall to tragedy.

Tags To Follow -> wip maidens and monsters, ocean fable

To Be Tagged -> Ask! Current taglists are at the bottom of my pinned post and they’re made by demand.

Synopsis under the cut.

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Ooohhh this looks really good. I really like the vibes :D
