#thanks for sticking around for my nonsense yall

I don’t usually do these but uhh I actually drew a lot this year!! so here we are. this was the year

I don’t usually do these but uhh I actually drew a lot this year!! so here we are. this was the year of ponies and mermaids I guess? (I’d say it was the year of hilda fanart but tbh, every year is)

ngl this has been a HUGE difference from last year and I’m really pleased with how much art I managed to get done, especially since I spent the first half of this year absolutely drowning in work (art folder says I got abt 60 proper drawings done and posted, woo woo). I learned a lot in the process and looking back I think I could probably do some of these a bit better than I did, so hopefully I’ll get to apply that next year

side note, for a lot of this year I got a lot of free serotonin out of posting my art here when I really needed it, and I would not have felt like drawing so much otherwise. so if you’re one of the people who reblogged my stuff a bunch or left really nice comments in the tags, it’s meant so much, so thank you <3

uhh here’s the links to the full drawings if anyone’s interested:

January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December (not posted but it’s still the best thing I drew this month so it’s going in jksdbv)

Post link