#thanks for still feeding us with delicious stories




with all the fics that i have planned for the next few months ., i just wanted to come out and mention something that has been on my mind for a while. i’ve always said that writing these stories are fun for me nd while that’s true ., that doesn’t mean i don’t also want some sort of interaction .

i work really hard to make sure to update everyday - have a new fic every month and i’m doing all of this for free . so if you are reading the parts that i put out - new or old nd you LIKE them ., the least you could do is tell me WHAT you like about it?? spending hours on a fic - planning it nd creating the characters to get little to no feedback is exhausting nd it makes posting on here not worth it . 

i’m not doing a service . i post my stories to have fun and engage with the people that are reading them . likes are not important to me in the slightest - i’d be much happier with less likes and more comments - bc i want to talk !! it’s extremely boring otherwise . 

there are nearly 150 people on my permanent taglist and i receive less than half of that when it comes to engagement . if you are on my taglist ., you shouldn’t be a silent reader - it’s literally the only rule on there - nd having so many silent readers on there is frustrating bc while i’m making sure you’re getting notified each time i post - you’re not doing literally the only thing i’ve ever asked . 

my stories are better when the interactions are up ., bc i’m excited to create more nd to entertain the people who make it known that they’re being entertained . so IF YOU WANT CONSISTENT UPDATE - COMMENT CONSISTENTLY !! it really sucks working hard on smth nd hearing nothing back in return ., literally makes want to shut the whole acct down .

also to the few people who AREN’T silent readers ., i appreciate every single one of you thank you so much for taking your time to write smth nice out ., it really means a lot to me !! i sit around waiting for your comments to come in so just know that they don’t go unnoticed ., it’s always fun seeing what you’re thinking nd i value every sentence you write out !!

also:what you write doesn’t even have to be long or profound in anyway ., you could just say one thing that you liked nd move on . it’s just so i don’t feel like i’m sharing my hardwork for nothing.)

(also also: if you’re one of the people that comment consistently nd are constantly engaging - this does not apply to you!)

Keep reading

thanks for posting this!!! I’m definitely probably one of the worse readers on your tag list I’ll try to hop on to tumblr more and defs send more feedback
