#thanks for the comment


idakiiler replied to your photoset “Initial character designs from the Count of Monte Cristo. These are…”

Great work, but I would just point out that the count is famous for his ghostly white skin, because of his lack of sun in the prison.

Thank you!

AND THIS IS TRUE (believe me, I’ve thought about this quite a bit). But in the end, I decided that it just felt right to me to have the Count be mixed. As significant as his paleness is in the novels, it’s not exactly necessary. Countess G can still regard him as a vampire (due to the fact that he hardly eats, sleeps, owns an underground mansion, is shrouded in mystery, the list goes on). 

So unless something spectacular is lost by having the Count be a MoC, imma just  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
