#thanks for the description










火鍋底料 hot pot base

【火鍋底料 hot pot base】

牛油 beef tallow
辣椒 pepper
小蔥 shallots
香菜 parsley
洋蔥 onion
大蒜 garlic
黃姜 ginger
豆瓣 bean
花椒 prickly ash
啤酒 beer
八角 star anise
草果 tsaoko
甘草 licorice
白扣 cardamom
香草 vanilla
香皮 silkvine
陳皮 tangerine peel
丁香 clove
毕勃 piper
良姜 galangar
黃桂 yellow cinnamon
桂皮 cinnamon
毛沙仁 mao fructus amomi
香菜籽 coriander seed
梔子 gardenia
千里香 orange jasmine
沙仁 fructus amomi
香草 vanilla
山楂 hawthorn
香果 pimi
香果 pimienta
小茴香 fennel
木香 woody
老扣 katsumadai
山奈 kencur
香葉 bay leaf
老白乾 white liquor
冰糖 crystal sugar

@歷蜀記lishuji /kwai

I love u so much for adding the translation I love you so much I love you so dearly I am so

I’m hyperventilating


[Video Description: Video by @gggaitt3 showing masked workers add all the ingredients listed in gaysagittarius’s reblog in large quantities into a large tub. The video ends with the mixture being dispensed into individual packets by a machine to be sold at a store.Increasingly dramatic music plays in the background. End Video Description.]

[Image Description: Tumblr post reading “I am building delicious soups from powerful broths you couldn’t even comprehend. End Image Description.]

dracula-described:humbuns: dracula: *shows many signs that he might not be human*our good friend, jodracula-described:humbuns: dracula: *shows many signs that he might not be human*our good friend, jo



dracula: *shows many signs that he might not be human*
our good friend, jonathan: He threw away my only shaving mirror :(

image description: two digital drawings of a scene from the novel dracula. in the background of the first image, count dracula is frantically throwing out jonathan harker’s shaving mirror as he rambles. in the foreground, jonathan is looking at the shaving mirror getting thrown out, his cheek bleeding.

his thought bubble says, “That was my—”, continued in the next image with “mirrorrr…”. the second image shows the shaving mirror, being thrown out of the castle. // end id

Post link



“Cut my life into pieces. ” (x)

[VIDEO DESCRIPTION: A tiktok by @hollyannehull with the caption: “Raoul but make it emo” and then a sparkle emoji. Someone knocks on a door. Holly Anne Hull (from behind the camera): “Come in!”

Rhys Darby, a lanky man with light skin and dark hair, walks in wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks. As he enters, he sings in an emo styles. Rhys: “Christine Daae, where is your red scarf!?” Both of them laugh. END DESCRIPTION]
