#thanks for the great work ♡





Another message from the CEO of the Totally Normal for Rhys Darby Tumblr Association

We are now accepting nominations for our Board of Directors. To qualify, you must be absolutely Totally Normal for Rhys Darby, and reblog this post with one unique Darby fact, Darby photo/video, anecdote of a Darby sighting, or other relevant experience. See examples below:

If accepted, be on the lookout for a complementary Rhys Darby in your inbox.

Current Board Members include:

CEO and Director of Cryptid Studies: @mxmollusca
Director of Swearwolves: @appleteeth
Director of Indoctrination: @vonlipwig
Director of Mouth Noises: @ramsaybaggins
Director of Dynamic Media: @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Director of Brainrot Contagion Control: @thatfuchsiafloralrobe
Director of Getting Weird: @braezenn

The submission window closes: never. There is no end.

Time is a flat circle.

The world is balanced on the shapely shoulders of Rhys Darby.

And upon what is he balanced? Another Rhys Darby.

It’s Darbys all the way down, baby.

as the Director of Indoctrination i feel it’s my duty to fling a few photos at this post and see what sticks

i already go here but he makes me feel light-headed and gives me moderate-to-severe chest pains

As Director of Swearwolves, I believe it’s my job to introduce Scruffy Rhys and all his glory to the wider audience:
