#thanks for your interest towards this character


Since I got a lot of asks about my LoZ OC here’s a little lineup.

Her name is Lotte (pronounced “lott”) because when I created her at 13yo she was straight up a self insert. She looks and acts nothing like me now but I’ve never been able to change her name.

She was pretty much always supposed to be Telma’s adoptive daughter but as time passed I wasn’t sure I liked that anymore, so I’m keeping the possibility of Lotte being her biological child open. She’s half Gerudo and half Hylian (honestly I don’t know if this is possible but still).

She grew up in Hyrule Castle Town close to the many people around her mother’s tavern.

I liked to fantasise about her meeting Zelda as children one time she sneaked through the tavern’s secret way to the castle and them becoming good friends. All until someone in the castle noticed and prohibited Zelda to ever meet Lotte again.

I also shamelessly ship her with Link. She meets him for the first time when they’re teens and he’s in town for TP plot reasons. I don’t know what happens next but they become adults and have three kids.
