#thanks i didnt need my heart anyways



Little random things that have crossed my mind since the finale of Supernatural:

Sam couldn’t stay in the bunker.  He had a hard time thinking of it as home in the first place, but without Dean there it’s too painful. Dean infused it with so much of his personality and I tear up when I see pics or gifs of them together there now because it was THEIRS.  Without them together, it’s an empty shell.

I’m watching the old episodes with new eyes.  Knowing that there’s a beautiful, peaceful end to the suffering that our boys are going thru makes it richer and somehow easier to take. 

Dean Winchester’s life was always a tragedy and was always going to be a tragedy. It’s poetic that his death was one too.  He finally gets to settle down, kind of, after fighting evil for over 30 years. He’s got his room, his dog and his favorite person right there with him. And then he dies on a routine vampire hunt, not in a dramatic, drawn out fight but by accident. No blaze of Glory, no one besides his brother to witness his brave act of heroism, the vast majority of people on earth never knowing who he is.   

It’s incredibly sad that Sam’s whole family had to die for him to be able to have a life outside of hunting.  And when he finally had that life, there was no one in his family there to be happy for him. No Mary and John to meet their only grandchild, no Dean there to spoil his nephew.  I imagine him holding his son for the first time, having a heavy heart even in his joy because Dean isn’t there to share it with him. 
