#thanks ill just go cry now






Imo one of the best things the Star Wars prequels did was establish how much Anakin/Vader *wanted* he and Padme’s baby. Because if it HAD been written as him never knowing she was pregnant, or not caring much because he was Too Much of a Man in War to really give a shit that he was going to have a kid (both of which are things people have suggested would have been *better* somehow), I don’t think it would have added as much to his relationship with Luke as it did. Vader doesn’t love Luke just as an extension of Padme, or in an obligatory, familial way, or even as a last connection to the person he was way.

Vader loves Luke because he’s always loved Luke, from the moment he knew there was going to be a Luke to love. He wants to know Luke because he’s always wanted to know him. He wants to be a part of Luke’s life, because he never had any intention not to be. That’s important. That’s powerful shit.

“Vader loves Luke because he’s always loved Luke, from the moment he knew there was going to be a Luke to love.”

#luke isn’t just the child he never knew he had#luke is the child he /thought he lost/#‘this son of mine was dead and is alive again’#that’s so much more powerful via@catie-does-things
