#thanks op twt

vespervescent: vespervescent:lucio listens to junkrat go on about explosions when no one else will



lucio listens to junkrat go on about explosions when no one else will


there’s a point of downtime between missions where the team is left to their own devices, and roadhog goes out to take care of something (or someone), leaving junkrat back at the base. junkrat starts to get squirrely pretty fast without his sounding board around, and goes to see what everyone else is doing. But. Nobody else wants anything to do with him, being either “too busy” (Tracer’s nice about it and all, but junkrat can’t figure out why the big monkey would need her help calibrating the refrigerator), not interested (he could have sworn reaper was right there a second ago), or downright repulsed (chinese is all greek to junkrat but the boot lobbed at his head spoke a language he was fluent in). Junkrat, trying to ignore feeling dejected and lonely, falls back on the one thing that never fails to lift his spirits: explosives. He goes out to the cliff to toss a few over.

Lucio meanwhile catches a weird tempo though the beat of his headphones and takes them off, coming out of his room to ask D.Va what that volley of noise is. She complains without looking up from her match that junkrat has been bothering everyone else and now the weirdo’s out there making a racket and destroying things. Lucio goes to check it out.

Junkrat, adjusting the timing on one of his grenades, shoots it off and hits the rebound arc just right, which he exclaims proudly to roadhog…. who isn’t there. His face falters in realization and then falls down to the makeshift launcher in his hands, only to pick back up again in surprise as Lucio asks him jovially what he’s up to. Junkrat defends himself hastily by saying he’s not wrecking anything, well, unless you count the rocks down there, but Lucio comes back with a chuckled “no no no,” and asks him about the thing he was just telling, uh, roadhog about.

At first Junkrat can’t quite believe Lucio wants to hear him talk about explosives, but Lucio sits down and in no time he’s jubilantly going on about blast radiuses and jury-rigging and this and that, while Lucio beams and listens on encouragingly: sure he doesn’t know the first thing about detonation, but he never passes up a chance to hear someone talk about their passion. And junkrat’s got a tidal wave of it. The dude’s downright creative in his own way; Lucio is impressed. He even picks up a thing or two.

Eventually the conversation meanders and they go on to swapping stories about how they lost their limbs, and junkrat ends up admitting he’s never really had much of anyone to talk. I mean, roadhog’s his best mate of course, but he doesn’t really say much. And uh, thanks. Thanks for that, mate. Lucio gives an earnest “Anytime,” and before he can suggest that they collaborate sometime roadhog makes his appearance with a huff, and like a flipped switch junkrat is on his feet with full sails, chiding roadhog for being out so bloody long, and the two of them are off, their familiar, mostly-one-sided rapport fading away.

“I guess that’s that.” Lucio shakes his head and smiles.
He stays for a bit and watches the water as the sun goes down. Man, who knew.

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