#that first chapter is already so good omg i’m so excited




Pairing: Nanami Kento x black!reader

Rating: Explicit

Summary: When Father Nanami found you on the church steps you only asked him for one thing, to drive a stake through your heart. Instead of granting your wish he proposes another deal, a chance to get back at the vampire who turned you: The Viscount Alexi Cordelius. Up until the moment the viscount is executed you will serve as his assistant in hunting and killing vampires. In the end, when your quest for vengeance is done, Nanami will grant you your wish to die.

As the two of you go on a journey to kill the vampire that stole your mortality the two of you will uncover the each other’s secrets and those of the feud between the church and vampires. In a life of night and drawn blood it seems the only person you can rely on is the one fated to kill you.

Keep reading
