#that was precious



Summary: Wherein a Ford meets a Stan

Rating: High Teens - sorta Mature

Warning: Mentions of character death, very wee bits of angst and sensuality - 500 Fords AU all thanks to @cirilee

Ford has had some interesting assignments before, but this one takes the cake and his response for Mentor!Ford is easily given, “No.”

“You don’t have a choice, my boy.”

“Don’t talk to me like that! We’re the sameage,” Ford grouses, “I don’t care what your title is – I won’t have you talk down to me!”

“Don’t most other Fords talk down to you?” he asks and Ford scowls. He knows what the other Fords think of him – he’s heard the snickers behind his back. But he honestly doesn’t care – after all, several of them have sought his guidance more than once. It is – in fact – why he has more than one title. Very few Fords have more than one, but he’s been blessed with several.

Romantic!Ford, Love!Advice!Ford, and the one he most prefers – Matchmaker!Ford. It’s thanks to him that so many Fords have worked things out with their Stanleys. Or their Fiddlefords. Or their Bills! He’s the one who is responsible for making hundreds of Fords happy! He fixes their relationship problems, offers counseling, arranges successful dates and he’s even performed wedding ceremonies on occasion. But to ask this of him…

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