

It’s been an absolute delight to write this one for you, @thatnerdemryn​, and I hope you’ll enjoy this little gift! Happy Holidays!


He hated this feeling, this feeling that made him all sweaty and restless, even a bit nauseous too. Alec was a warrior trained from an early age to be brave, to be fierce, to keep his emotions in check. Butterflies in his stomach were not in his cards, and it’s Simon’s fault that he even knew the term. All of this was Simon’s fault. Well, partly Clary’s too, but she was at least supposed to be a Shadowhunter. Ever since the dynamic duo barged into their kind of stale, but yet routine lives at the Institute, Alec experienced these headaches. No amount of coffee, nor a rare more-than-four-hours-sleep, managed to help him. The only thing that was easing the pain was an iratze, but not in the long run.  Desperate times took desperate measures and two weeks of constant headaches brought him here, to the doorstep of Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and for some ridiculous reason, Alec was nervous.

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