#thats exactly the one im talking about


I’m going on an official hiatus with this blog.

Ever since I discovered the HPRP community I fell in love with the idea of it being a safe place for everyone to express their art in forms of cosplay and roleplay and etc, and I was obsessed with all of it for a long while.

I met fun, talented, incredible people here, people I’m happy to have met and people who were always kind and nice to me. I met people I genuinely admire for their talent and wish all he best, always.

I also met people that think they’re really important and better than others just bc they have a pretty face and a few thousand of followers in a blog on the internet, and think that bc of that, they have the right to treat others like shit. It wasn’t only one, two or three times that some people in this so said “welcoming and safe” community were rude to me or didn’t even bother to answer me bc I obviously didn’t have a blog that was “famous enough” for them to waist their time or something like that (like? Calm down Beyoncé, people only hype you so much bc you’re pretty or rich enough to buy good things to RP with or North American/European or basically only white).

So let’s be honest and cut out the bullshit, there are tons of people in here that try to join in the RP community but are completely ignored by most of yall bc they just don’t fit in the physical features idealised by most of you. And, yes, there are a few “big” blogs whose owners are poc’s and/or don’t have as much resources to use to RP as the other big ones, but they’re not too many and clearly have to work way harder to have half as many attention as the usual ones.

I’ve had this blog and tried to make it work for about two years or so. I wanted it to be a fun place for me to escape reality a bit, like I saw it was for some of you. I actually didn’t have any kind of contact with most of the people that everybody knows and loves inside this community, and most of them are probably nice people, but after I’ve tried to reach a few of them (not gonna quote names, cuz if I did yall would just pretend it never happened just to keep hyping them) and was treated really badly I just lost the courage and the will to try to make friends with people I’ve always admired and wanted to be friends with in here. I felt, almost all the time, like I was invisible in here, and it was a bad feeling, considering how 99% of all those people are always posting and rebloging discourses about social inclusion and things like that.

Soooo, that’s why I’m putting this little babe on a hiatus indefinitely. Thanks for everyone who helped me with anything and were nice to me, and I hope if I come back in the future I’ll find more of these kind of people and less of those who have a superstar complex and think their content is worth shit when all they have to rely on is a basic look and the same amount of face expressions as the eye of Sauron.

