#thats super cool



Don’t mind me just playing with the tumblr filters to enhance the vibe

Colours giving me that midnight serotonin rush



d&d barely two hours long and absolutely fucking insane tonight. got bitten by a vampire, instantly went down to just over 10 hp. Two rounds into combat the vampire starts smoking from the inside, throwing up my characters blood and then straight up dies. With an extremely disturbing description the turned boy’s father starts first crawling towards the person whos blood just killed his son, then fully advancing, almost feral with anger and hatred. Hands shaking brain head blank I create a magical illusion of the boy’s spirit hovering over thr corpse, delivering short “finally at peace” kinda goodbye tinged with a bit of hope and a nice tie in to his father’s deity, then disappearing in the light of a dawning sun before his father gets a chance to see through the illusion. The DM goes silent for a solid minute. The priest falls to his knees, goes from This Evil Abomination Killed My Son, Why Do You People Keep This Thing in Your Company to The Lord of Dawn Was with us All This Time and in my hubris I was Too Blind To See that im torturing my own son, i don’t know if I’m fit to lead the people of Barovia but I will do what I can to help. After a short pep talk with our Good With Emotions guy takes two steps and faceplants straight into the stone floor from sheer exhaustion. Our druid pulls out some vials and starts frantically scraping the blood mixed with some vampire leavings into them “for later”. End session.

wakes up in cold sweat what does it mean what does it all mean……..
