#that’s my main tumblr account btw



That new Andrew Garfield television show ‘Under The Banner Of Heaven’ is v good and each episode is a really great length and feels satisfying and has great pacing and each episode feels like it ends in a satisfying place so each episode feels full and purposeful and intentional as to why it ends when it does, not just narriatively, but also technically speaking, like almost like a full movie where it’s like “yes of course it ends there” without telegraphing it in really obvious ways the way that with a lot of media you can tell when it’s about to end, and it’s overall really well made and entertaining to watch and it makes me glad that you don’t feel the NEED to binge it because of the way that it’s made makes it feel ok to stop after each episode, which is also really refreshing in a space where most video media rn feels like it encourages audiences to continue binge watching and press play on the next thing and the next thing, be it television shows, movies, online video content, etc. and having a show that’s made in 2022 that provides ample space to stop after each episode, while not feeling over-stuffed or like you have to stop to digest everything, but more like there is space to stop if you want to, is very welcome rn.

Having said that I want to watch the next episode rn like immediately. Not because the show was created to encourage binge-watching it, but because that’s such a great and well made show rn that, comparitively, watching other media that’s being released publicly at the same time as ‘Under The Banner Of Heaven’ is being released rn in 2022, it feels like I’ve been eating chocolate for a week and rn I really want some fruit.
