#that’s why my asks are turned off at the moment



Everytime I post about Jason Todd, his stans will swamp my inbox LOL The problem for them, however, is I have read more of Jason stories than they have read Dick’s. So they often come to their arguments from a place of “I have read these 5 comics and Jason is the greatest” while I look at their arguments and wonder how to tell them Dick’s been in these 70 comics off the top of my head and y'all haven’t read a single one. And by the SAME measure they use to call Jason the “greatest”, Dick would be faaaar more elite LOL


Imaginary characters will always be as skilled or strong as the story needs to progress as the creator intends. And obviously, the lead character of a book is going to come out on top nine times out of ten. (Maybe I’m just caught up in the outrage culture, but I feel like comic book writers are getting worse in using characters anyway they want, without taking their former characterisation into account.)

When it comes to Dick and Jason, while of course I stand by that Dick is the best fighter and has several years of experience over Jason, you can write stories where either of them win a fight. They are both extremely skilled fighters with slightly different skill sets, and there will be circumstances or a piece of good luck that can influence the outcome of a fight.

What I don’t understand is why comic book writers would waste panels on having characters bragging about how they ‘held back’ or is “the best”. Does that really make for a compelling story with characters I would root for?
