#the angel garden


how can you miss someone you’re with all of the time?


There’s some interesting character development that happens here!

At first, Beauchène became a priest just because he wants a way to see Voice again; he dares to hope that Heaven exists.

Eventually, while he doesn’t forget about Voice, he becomes more interested in helping people of all walks of life find God in their lives

In the end, he sees Voice again, but he didn’t get there by hyper-fixating on his friend. He gets there because he learns to love God, and the best way to love your friends is to love them the way you love God

The weight of responsibility || Father Jude Beauchêne The weight of responsibility || Father Jude Beauchêne 

The weight of responsibility || Father Jude Beauchêne 

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November 25, 2021

Happy (American) Thanksgiving, everyone! Hope y’all are staying warm and safe; Eat well and live well!!

Everything that I have been writing lately has either been systematic story stuff or for work, so I’ve been feeling kind of stressed about it lately. Decidedly, I’m going to try writing more old-school ‘blog’ kind of posts to let off some steam- and talk about some things that I like. Hey, this is Tumblr, right? Isn’t this what I’m supposed to do? hhh

Anyway, lemme know if you like them! ^^/ 

I’ve been listening to a lot of music while I write and draw things about The Angel Garden. It helps me a lot with my thought processes- I get to imagine things cinematically if I have music in the background (lol), it’s just not the same without it, which is pretty different from some other stories I’ve written. Just the idea that each character is so deeply intertwined with music got me to thinking why I choose the pieces I do whenever I make playlists this story, especially since I’m pretty particular about it.

If I were to choose an instrument or a particular kind of sound for Beauchene and Voice, I think that they would be a melancholic kind of piano and a stringed quartet or orchestra.

To be clear, I don’t think I connect Beauchene to very grand or complex piano pieces. I like the ones where you can hear each click of the keys and the decisive shift of the musician’s arm as they press down on each note.
While there is a reverb and perhaps an echo, the sound the piano produces is soft, short, and fleeting; and in Beauchene’s case, there’s an intimate, muted quality to the sound. Quite like a human life, right? The artists Ibi, Esperanza, Trevor Kowalski, and Jonny Southard capture this feeling remarkably well. It almost feels like you are laying your head on the cover of the piano as they play; the literal heartbeat of the instrument is often captured in their performances.

In my head, Voice is associated with a lot of Tchaikovsky and, maybe surprisingly, a more modern composer named Alexandre Desplat. There’s a classic, regal quality in the sound of an orchestra. There are a lot of moving parts meticulously brought together to create a moving experience; much like how the angels work. God works together with His servants and the universe falls in line. Each individual voice (pun almost intended) are brought together in a larger, much more elaborate plan.

It works very well with Voice as an individual, too. Like God, angels operate outside of space and time- both with God and with each other. They’re able to handle many things at once and, because of their greater intellect, experience insights immediately. There is a lot going on in there at once, but it all still makes sense because it was intended to be that way.

These two concepts often work hand-in-hand so often that it’s highly accentuated when they are alone.

Did y’all miss Angel Garden? I did tooI tend to switch between different stories depending on how muDid y’all miss Angel Garden? I did tooI tend to switch between different stories depending on how mu

Did y’all miss Angel Garden? I did too

I tend to switch between different stories depending on how much I can contribute to them at the time. I’ve been working on another for a while that’s meant to kept mostly under wraps, which is why I’ve been pretty quiet here lately. Angel Garden is always nice to work on, it’s not too chaotic and it’s vibes are pretty relaxing, no? Anyway, I need to relieve some of my stress, so I’ll be hanging out with these ideas for a while…

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