#the armor

rabbit-rays: [image id: concept art for the throne world from destiny 2. the throne world appears as


[image id: concept art for the throne world from destiny 2. the throne world appears as a wide, flat marsh covered in brown reeds, with some small towers fading into the distance. a flock of white birds travels over the marsh on the horizon. three guardians stand in a pale green boat moving through the water, and the pyramid looms enormous on the horizon. end id]

while im talking about environments. this piece of concept art for the throne world by dima goryainov has been haunting me for WEEKS. are you KIDDING ME

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Day 4 & Day 5: Fantasy & Alternate Universe

AU! Marvel


(It is not a fanfic, they are only the main ideas, I don’t know if one day I will have time to make a fanfic or comic of this >w<)

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